Chapter 12

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'How are you feeling?' Rose asked Jack, while the Doctor was busy in the control room of the TARDIS. Jack was put in a cell in the TARDIS, not being able to get out. He could move again, so that was already an improvement.

'Could have been worse,' Jack answered honestly, he was thirsty, but apart from that he was fine.

'I don't want you to get hurt, alright? So don't do anything, don't even say anything, I will take care of this,' Rose said, grabbing Jack's hand.

'You think you can do something about him? I doubt it, Rose. I know you are brave and that you are willing to help me, but you are too sweet.'

'What makes you think that?'

'You don't want to hurt him. You would never hurt anyone.'

'If I have to, then I can! But that is never the answer,' Rose whispered, she didn't want the Doctor to hear them, he didn't even know that Rose was with Jack.

'Rose,' Jack sighed. 'You can't protect yourself as long as you don't want to harm him.'

'I know... But, how could I possibly harm him? I could never...' Rose began, but then she saw that Jack was taking something out of his pockets.

'Take this, just in case,' Jack whispered carefully, giving Rose a small object.

'What? No! I can't do that!' Rose hissed, looking at the small gun Jack had just given her.

'He won't die. He will just regenerate, and maybe he will become a better person then. You need to be able to protect yourself. Just make sure he doesn't see it before you can actually use it,' Jack whispered.

'I can't. I don't want him to regenerate, it feels like I am going to kill him.'

'You don't have a choice.'

'Of course I have.'

'Rose, if I could do it myself, then I would. But that thing doesn't work in the TARDIS and I am not likely to get away from here very soon. Please, you have to do something,' Jack said, his eyes were begging Rose.

'I shall see. But I only keep it with me as my final option.'

'Fair enough, but Rose, I have to tell you, it has only got one bullet. So whatever you do, use that thing wise, otherwise you are screwed and most likely I will be as well.'

'I hope I don't have to use it,' Rose replied quietly.

'ROOOSE!' the Doctor's voice came from the console room. 'ROSE COME HERE!'

'Just a sec!' Rose yelled back.

'Where the hell are you anyway?' the Doctor shouted and Rose heard his footsteps coming closer.

'I am dressing! Just wait for me in the console room!' Rose replied. She looked at Jack with worry, she didn't want the Doctor to storm in and see her being there with Jack and a gun. So hopefully the Doctor couldn't hear that her voice was coming from Jack's prison.

'Okay!' the Doctor answered and his footsteps faded away. So he didn't hear where Rose was apparently.

'I should go,' Rose whispered. 'Just... take care of yourself okay? I will see what I can do.'

'Thank you, Rose. I am glad that I've got you. Just be careful,' Jack said. Then he took Rose's hand and he placed a kiss on it. Rose gave him a smile in return and then she hid the gun carefully in her jacket before returning to the Doctor.

'See you soon,' Rose smiled and then she left Jack.

In the console room, the Doctor was sitting on the floor, studying a seemingly complex device. When he saw Rose, he picked the thing up and he gave Rose a broad smile.

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