Chapter 3

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The Doctor was still in his cell. Thinking about what those human-like creatures were possibly doing to Rose made him fill with rage. He had to get her back, whatever it took, without her he was nothing. He could not cope without her and he would destroy everything just to get her back. She belonged to him and no one else. The Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver and aimed it at the locks, making sure nobody was watching. When the doors opened, he got out and he walked through the corridor, looking for the way out. Suddenly a guard appeared around the corner, only one. One Androgum wouldn't be a problem. But when the Doctor took a closer look, he saw that the guard was human. Armed, but human. A human slave of the Androgums.

'Hello there,' the Doctor said as he approached the guard.

The guard directly aimed his gun on the Doctor.

'Who are you? What are you doing here?' he demanded.

'One question at the time, please. I'm the Doctor, I'm here to find Rose. Now could you tell me where she is?' the Doctor asked as gently as he could.

'I have been ordered to guard these blocks. You will not leave and you will not ask questions.'

'Then take me to your boss.'

'I have been ordered to stay posted.'

'Take me to your boss, or I will be a little bit less pleasant.'

'I have been ordered to stay posted,' the guard repeated.

The Doctor sighed and took the gun away from the guard. With his other arm, he went for the man's throat and pinned him up against the wall.

'Don't play games with me, I'm warning you. Now I know that you have been manipulated, and I can't make you tell where I have to go, but I'm sure you don't want to die. So I'll let you live and you just keep quiet about what happened,' the Doctor hissed.

The guard didn't seem to understand completely, but he looked really confused. The Doctor used that confusion to walk away with the gun. He would find Rose, and he was going to ask the leader where she was personally.


In the meantime, Rose had been led to another prison. It was really dark, so she couldn't see where it was exactly. What she did know, was that she was not in the prison alone.

'What brings you here?' she heard a voice asking and she turned around to see a young looking man staring at her.

'Excuse me?' Rose asked confused, not really expecting another prisoner there.

'I'm sorry, my name is Alex, Earth. What about you?' Alex asked.

'Uhm, I'm Rose, from Earth too. How did you get here then? That's impossible,' Rose stated.

'You can talk, how did you get here then? I have my own spaceship, just for doing research on other civilisations. I work for an institution called Torchwood. Ever heard of?' Alex said.

'Good for him that the Doctor wasn't here, he doesn't really like people from Torchwood,' Rose thought.

'Yes, same goes for me, I was just travelling, with a friend... He's been captured too... So if you have any ideas on getting out of here, I'd really appreciate that. I need to find my friend,' Rose said.

'As you can see, we are here in a cell, waiting to get brainwashed by those aliens. Why are you even worrying about your friend? You are in a lot more trouble right now,' Alex said.

'I have to find him. Just... let's get out of here,' Rose said and she looked around.

'Relax! I've already planned my escape, don't worry. You can come with me if you like. Look,' Alex said and he grabbed some sort of gun made of metal.

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