Chapter 47

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Rose had been sitting with the Doctor in the control room for hours. The Time Lord was very nervous, and every minute he lost more of his hope.

'What if she doesn't wake up anymore?' he asked Rose.

'She will.'

'It is all my fault. I should have left her at home. I shouldn't have taken her with me in the TARDIS. She can't take all this anymore. If she dies, it will be my fault,' the Doctor whispered.

'Don't say that! You needed her, right? You needed a friend,' Rose said.

'Yes... I suppose... but now her life is in danger,' the Doctor now sobbed.

'It is his fault, actually,' Mickey interrupted when he entered the room again.

'Mickey! Shut up, will you! Look at him! He is upset!' Rose snapped.

Mickey scoffed. 'Yeah, right. Because he knows that you fall for that. He just likes your attention.'

'And he can have all the attention I have,' Rose shot back.

'Thank you, my sweet Rosebud,' the Doctor smiled, kissing Rose on her lips.

The Doctor realized that it made Mickey very uneasy, but he couldn't care less. He needed some distraction during Donna's absence. And Rose was his only distraction available at the moment.

'Could you stop that while I am in the room?' Mickey said grumpily.

'Mmm, no...' the Doctor murmured.


'Shut up, Mickey...'

'No, really...'

Now the Doctor choose to ignore the young man. He only had eyes for Rose and he wasn't going to answer Mickey back. He was just trying to ruin their moment together.




The Doctor shot back up, his eyes widened, and he jumped on his feet. There was a weak light glowing in the centre of the control panel, very weak indeed, but it was something. The Doctor dashed over to the panels, trying to stimulate the energy with the sonic screwdriver. Much to his liking, it started to glow brighter, and the TARDIS even started humming again.

'MICKEY!' the Doctor yelled out of pure excitement. 'Bring Donna here! Quickly!'

Mickey did as he was told, rushing over to where Donna was still lying, and he scooped her in her arms, bringing her to the Doctor.

'Good, good,' the Doctor said, more to himself than to Mickey. He started to pick up wires and connected them with a metal braid, which he then put carefully on Donna's head.

'What's happening, is she going to be alright?' Rose asked curiously.

The Doctor's smile now even widened further, if that was possible.

'Oh, yes,' he answered.

Rose smiled back at him, very relieved to see that he was happy again. She couldn't bear the thought of having the sad and suicidal Time Lord at her side for more days. Although, she had to admit that it was better than having a vengeful, furious maniac at her side. Her Doctor had really made progress.

'Donna?' the Doctor asked, now more quiet, 'Donna, wake up, Donna...'

Slowly, very slowly, Donna opened her eyelids. She rolled with her eyes, scanning her environment. When she saw the Doctor, she seemed to remember where she was.

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