Chapter 46

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'So how is it going?' Rose asked when she found the Doctor sitting on the floor in the console room.

'Fine. I have repaired the worst parts. She needs to do the rest herself. We can only wait.'

'And Donna?' Rose asked hesitantly.

'I have calmed her mind down with my own telepathic energy, but that won't do. She needs the TARDIS. I can only hope the TARDIS will recover soon.'

Rose could see how the thought of Donna pained him. The thought that he couldn't save her.

'You can always find a solution, I know you. You won't just give up,' Rose smiled.

'Of course I won't,' the Doctor snapped a little too harshly. '... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm sorry.'

'I understand,' Rose said softly, walking over to the Doctor and sitting down next to him. 'But you need to stop blaming yourself for everything. And you need to stop blaming others. The TARDIS is wounded and she needs your support. As does Donna. We all need you to stay reasonable and strong. You can do that for us, right?'

The Doctor just nodded, staring at no point in particular in front of him. Rose started rubbing his back, trying to soothe him.

'I am so lucky to have you, you know that?' the Doctor said eventually. 'I am so lucky and I don't even deserve it. You don't deserve this. You don't deserve having to put up with me. I keep doing it wrong. All those lives... I am a bloody murderer.'

'You are not a murderer. You have made mistakes. But you can make them right.'

'How can you say that? How can you still see the good in me? Look at what I did to Mickey.'

'Mickey is fine, he is shocked, but fine. It was your reaction to what happened to the TARDIS and Donna, I can understand that. And I am going to help you with everything. You won't have to feel anger and guilt and grief anymore for as long as I am here. Alright?' Rose said firmly.

'You are truly a brilliant human being. Your my brilliant girl,' the Doctor smiled proudly, hugging Rose.

They didn't really have the time to hug for very long, because Mickey entered the room again. Still not quite himself, but he succeeded in looking very cross.

'I'm sorry, Mickey. You don't have to be scared of me, really. I won't hurt you,' the Doctor apologized immediately, receiving a smile from Rose.

'Yeah, right,' Mickey scoffed. 'I am here to tell you that I want you to bring me back.'

The Doctor just stared at the young man as if he didn't understand the request. So Mickey repeated himself.

'I want to go back. To London.'

'I heard you the first time,' the Doctor said slowly. 'But... I can't bring you back. Not yet. Since someone has broken my TARDIS.'

'Then repair it!'

'Mickey!' Rose scolded.

'And I take Rose with me! She can't stay here with you!' Mickey shouted before he knew what he said.

The Doctor immediately stood up, standing in front of Rose as if Mickey was going to take her away from him right then.

'No, you won't,' he said.

'She is not safe here,' Mickey said, now a lot more timidly.

'She is nowhere safer than with me,' the Doctor said irritated.

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