Chapter 39

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'This, my companions, is the planet Asoycas,' the Doctor announced when he opened the TARDIS doors. 'I've landed the TARDIS in the capital, we can visit the palace and after that we can go the waterfalls.'

'Right. And what kind of aliens do we need to expect here?' Donna asked.

'Asoycasions of course,' the Doctor frowned. 'Humans. If you must know the species.'

'Great, that helps a lot,' Donna said.

'What is particularly amazing about this planet, is that they have strawberries that taste like bananas,' the Doctor smiled enthusiastically.

Rose rolled her eyes. 'If you want a banana, you can always just eat a banana, you don't need a strawberry that tastes like a banana for that, you know?'

'Don't spoil the fun, Tyler! Bananas are good.'

'God, you can be childish,' Rose laughed, patting his cheek.

'Says you. May I remind you that I am the oldest one here?'

'You are most definitely not acting like it,' Donna said.

'If you are not going to shut up right now, I will take you back inside the TARDIS and then you will never see the palace of Asoycas in your life. Nor the waterfalls.'

'Alright, you can have your banana strawberries if you must, Doctor,' Rose surrendered. 'If that makes you happy...'

'Thank you.'

'Doesn't seem like there is a palace here,' Donna interrupted, looking at the dilapidated buildings that surrounded them.

'I couldn't park the TARDIS inside the palace, now could I? Here it is more hidden. The palace is just a few minutes' walk,' the Doctor said defensively. 'This is just a slum, like every city has.'

'Great, well, I hope that that palace still exists,' Donna said, not really convinced.

The Doctor gave her a reassuring look and he led the way towards the palace. The streets seemed to be abandoned, until they came in a more crowded place where all the people seemed to be. Enormous shops and little stalls seemed to be everywhere, and of course the Doctor had to buy some banana-strawberries in one of the stalls. The three continued their walk until they reached a huge open space, where it was a lot quieter. A path led them to a big gate, which was, of course, guarded by some soldiers. But the Doctor only had to show them his psychic paper and the guards opened the gates for them, so that they could enter the gigantic gardens surrounding the palace. Both Rose and Donna looked around them in awe, they had never seen so many plants and flowers in one garden. Finally they reached the palace, which was a sight of grandeur. They were approached by another guard before they could come too close to the palace.

'Good morning, sir, madams,' he said politely. 'How can I help you?'

'Oh, we were wondering if we could have a look inside the palace,' the Doctor smiled, taking out his psychic paper again. 'I know the king.'

'Of course,' the guard smiled. 'If you could follow me.'

The three followed the man inside and they entered a great hall. When the Doctor said that he would take his companions somewhere nice, he didn't exaggerate at all. The Doctor was looking around him in awe as well, studying every detail around him. The guard led them to a second hall, which was apparently the hall where guests were welcomed.

'No, not again,' a voice sounded behind them and they turned around to see an expensively dressed man standing behind them. 'What did I tell you about letting beggars in?'

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