Chapter 21

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The Doctor walked quickly back to his TARDIS with Rose and Elenoriah still with him. He didn't look back at the people he left behind, not because he was cowardly, but because he didn't want to waste any more time. He had given them a warning and now it was up to them what they were going to do with it. He would return to the planet and he would not grant them second chances. If they screwed it up, then he would burn the planet, not making any difference between the guilty ones and the innocents.

As soon as the three had reached the TARDIS, he unlocked the door and threw Elenoriah in, not bothering to be careful with her. She might be a teenage girl, but she had to learn her place. She was nothing compared to him and she would learn to respect him. She would learn to fear him, just like the rest.

Rose immediately saw Jack walking towards her and she ran to him for a hug, not paying any attention to the glares the Doctor was shooting the Captain. She was too happy to see him, he was her only support in the TARDIS right now. They would think of something together.

'Right. Time for a short introduction,' the Doctor said, wrapping an arm around Elenoriah to keep her from running away. 'This is Elenoriah, the princess of the planet Zokar. Well... not anymore, I suppose. I took their throne, so I suppose you are nothing at the moment. I've already told her that she stays with me as my slave, so that's why she is here. Elenoriah, this here is Jack Harkness, and this here is Rose Tyler. And they will also make sure that you do as you are told. Understood?'

Elenoriah shot him a dirty look, struggling to get away from the Time Lord.

'I am not your prisoner!' she yelled.

'Yes, you are! And you better do as I say, because every mistake you make will result in a punishment. And if you really, really piss me off, then you will end up in unbreakable chains and thrown into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy. I've done that before, and I can assure you, it is not a very light punishment. You will have to live forever there.'

'Then what do you want from me?' the girl asked.

'I want you to bake us some cookies. I like cookies,' the Doctor answered with a straight face.

'What? Just that? You want me to bake... cookies?' Elenoriah repeated.

'You heard me, now off you go, I am sure the TARDIS will help you with finding the kitchen,' the Doctor said and Elenoriah frowned, but then she decided to go and find the kitchen.

Rose looked at the Doctor with a surprised look on her face.

'Seriously? Cookies?' she asked.

'What's wrong with that? I just want to have some. After that she can start cleaning up my ship. And believe me, that is a lot of work. And now we don't have to make our food ourselves!' the Doctor smiled.

'You never did that anyway. You just asked the TARDIS and she would make you something,' Rose pointed out.

'True. But that's not the point. Now we actually have someone who does that for us. And if she doesn't please me well enough, then I will have to be a bit harder I suppose,' the Doctor shrugged.

'You are an idiot,' Rose said, but she couldn't help herself from giggling.

'See? You can still laugh! Nothing really changed between us,' the Doctor said.

'That's not true. Everything has changed and you will take me home. I want to leave,' Rose said, serious again.

'And I told you that I am not going to let you. You have betrayed me too many times, remember? You even tried to steal my TARDIS keys and you tried to stand in my way far too many times. You don't deserve to control me,' the Doctor said, not smiling anymore.

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