Chapter 40

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'So what is your name?' the Doctor asked the woman when they walked through the gardens back to the gate.

'Ashley. And my little boy is called George,' the woman answered. 'I can't thank you enough for what you have done for us, but really, there is no need to take us to the waterfalls.'

'But I want to! Let me do that for you,' the Doctor insisted, and Ashley didn't try to change his mind after that.

The five left the gates and entered the city again. But they couldn't walk any further, because a man approached them. He was rather poorly dressed, and he didn't put much effort in styling his blonde hair either. His appearance came across as very shabby. Apparently he knew Ashley and George, because he greeted them as friends.

'And?' the man asked expectantly, looking at Ashley.

'I've got some money,' Ashley smiled. 'I couldn't believe it myself, but this man here helped me. The king was prepared to listen to him!'

'What?' the man asked surprised. 'That is wonderful news! What is his name?'

'I am the Doctor,' the Doctor smiled, shaking the man's hand. 'And you are...?'

'Timothy,' the man answered. 'The... Doctor, you said?'


'And he helped you?' Timothy asked Ashley.

'He did.'

'You should meet our leader,' Timothy smiled at the Doctor. 'He would love to hear about your victories over the king.'

'Victories?' the Doctor asked. 'What do you mean? Are you at war with your own king then?'

'Something like that,' Timothy shrugged. 'We have this group, just outside the city, we live together with all the people who have the same goal. Which is to take down the king. He is a selfish, arrogant man and we can't have him on the throne for any longer. So we are trying to destroy him. That is why we regularly send some of our people to beg him for money, so that we can see what he is doing and what his weaknesses are. You, sir, are probably our greatest hope. No one has ever had any influence on that cruel man. You are a legend, Doctor, you could help us.'

'Wow, hang on. You are not going to use me as some kind of weapon against your king! I am totally against wars and I am certainly not going to make it worse!' the Doctor objected, but Timothy had already grabbed his arm and dragged him with him to his people.

'But we have been told stories about the Doctor! Our leader must see you!'

'You were part of this?' the Doctor hissed at Ashley. If he had known about this plot earlier, he would never have helped her. He didn't want to be a part of some sort of conspiracy, no matter how bad that king was. He didn't want to interfere in this.

Rose and Donna both followed the Doctor who was being dragged away by Timothy, while the man was talking to him about their organisation.

'Doctor! Let's just go back!' Donna shouted at them. She had the feeling that this was not leading to anything good.

'Yes! Sorry, Timothy, Ashley, but we can't go with you! We already have plans for today!' the Doctor said, but that didn't seem to stop the man.

'Jacob!' Timothy called, knocking the gate which led to a small village. 'It's me, Timothy! And Ashley with little George!'

'Finally! We have been waiting for ages for you to return! What kept you so long?' a voice replied and then the gates were opened to reveal a broad, short man with equally shabby clothes. Then his eyes fell on the Doctor and his two companions. 'And who might you be?'

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