Chapter 18

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'Right, Jack, before we enter my TARDIS, I want to make a few things clear,' the Doctor said. 'You will not give Rose any reasons to suspect anything. I want her to join me again willingly, and she will as long as you do as I say. I don't like to hurt her, so I want to give her the chance to come back with me herself. Secondly, make sure that you don't stand in my way. You are either with me or you are my enemy, got that? I am going to make this universe better and nothing is going to stop me.'

'Killing innocent people is not really making the universe better, is it?' Jack asked.

'I am done saving all those unimportant civilisations time after time. I am not going to save them any longer, I am going to make sure they don't need to be saved ever again. By taking control myself. And if others don't cooperate and want to be difficult, then so be it. Sometimes, for the greater good, sacrifice is necessary.'

Jack scoffed at that, but he decided not to answer the Doctor back.

'Now I want you to choose your words very carefully when we are back with Rose. Don't make her suspicious. Not that she needs to suspect anything, soon she will see that I am doing the whole of creation a favour by this,' the Doctor said and then he opened the door.

Jack went in first and the Doctor followed him closely. They looked around, but couldn't find Rose. She wasn't on the couch where she had fallen asleep anymore.

'Ahum,' Rose's voice sounded from behind the consoles. She walked towards the two men and folded her arms. 'Where have you been? I thought I made myself very clear. I don't want you to wander off without me knowing. And I would like to know why you put me to sleep, Doctor.'

The Doctor feigned embarrassment by looking at his feet instead of looking at Rose.

'Jack and I went for a little walk. Just to talk a bit. We didn't leave you for long, but we didn't want to wake you up, love. You needed some sleep,' the Doctor said.

'Jack, what is going on? What did he do? Why did he force me to sleep?' Rose asked.

'Well... the Doctor wanted to talk with me. He wanted to tell me that he was sorry, because I didn't trust him earlier. But I really think he means you no harm and that he has become a better person. I shouldn't have said that he had been threatening me, that was wrong of me. I wanted to teach him a lesson, but he didn't do anything wrong. He didn't threaten me, Rose. I think he wanted you to rest for a bit so that he could talk to me,' Jack said. He didn't like lying to Rose, but he didn't have a choice.

Rose studied the two faces very carefully and then she relaxed a little.

'Prove it to me then,' she snapped.

'Excuse me?' the Doctor asked confused.

'Great that Jack believes you, but you are going to win that easily. I want you to go out with me and save a human society. And you will not kill, harm, or manipulate anyone. Am I clear?' Rose said.

The Doctor chuckled. 'What?'

'And I am going to choose the place.'

'And what if I pass your test?' the Doctor asked curiously.

'Then you'll be rewarded,' Rose said, giving him a mysterious smile.

'Oh, and what will that reward be?' the Doctor asked with a lower voice. He knew that Rose found that attractive.

'You are not getting anything until you have passed your test, mister! Make your TARDIS give me a list of possibilities where we can go.'

'Right, right,' the Doctor sighed and he rushed towards the control panel to do as Rose told him to.

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