Chapter 25

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'Where to? So many possibilities... Sontar? We can have fun there... Or maybe Peladon, Axos, or maybe Mondas? Skaro! I can do Skaro... My planet is gone, so the Daleks don't deserve to have one either. What do you think? Rose?' the Doctor rattled, he seemed to be very enthusiastic.

'Whatever, not as if I know any of those planet,' Rose said.

'Clom? You know Clom. Worthless little planet. Might be a good one to warm up a bit.'

'Isn't that the planet with that green monster? What's his name... That one who absorbed people?'

'Exactly. He was an Abzorbalovian. The original citizens of Clom, there were other species there, but they have all been eaten by the Slitheen. Raxacoricofallapatorians own Clom right now, it is like a colony. So by taking over Clom, we can take over Raxacoricofallapatorius as well. Do you remember the Slitheen? Nasty creatures... I'd do the universe a favor by getting rid of them,' the Doctor smiled.

Rose folded her arms and sat down. She knew that she could better let him do what he wanted, she was not going to stop him anyway. Maybe if she behaved, then he would leave the Earth in peace. At least for now.

'I'll take that as a yes, then,' the Doctor said and he went to the console.

The Doctor tried to move the TARDIS to the place where he wanted to go, he hit the buttons, pulled the levers, even tried to hit the console with a hammer, but somehow the TARDIS refused to move.

'What is it, old girl? What's wrong?' the Doctor asked softly.

The TARDIS hummed a response and the Doctor turned around to face Rose and he advanced on her with darker eyes than just a second ago. Rose shifted uncomfortably, wondering what she had done wrong now.

'Have you done something to my TARDIS, Rose? Be honest... Have you somehow managed to block her?' the Doctor asked, a threatening look in his eyes.

Rose knew that the Doctor was protective of his ship and touching his TARDIS meant war. She knew better than ever trying that on him. One would only touch the TARDIS if one had a death wish. And Rose certainly didn't want to die yet.

'I haven't! I swear!' Rose defended herself.

The Doctor looked at her with his intense stare that made Rose very nervous. Even though she knew she was innocent, that stare just made her feel guilty. It almost made her want to confess, even though she didn't know what for.

'I believe you,' the Doctor said softly, turning his eyes away from her.

He paced down the TARDIS and decided to try the doors. But he found that they were locked as well.

'What the...?' the Doctor said confused, clearly not knowing what was going on. And he knew everything. 'I swear... if this is some trick from Torchwood, then I will personally rip their heads off their bodies and make Jack eat them all.'

Rose looked at him, terrified by what she heard, but she still didn't say anything. Then both she and the Doctor fell on the floor. The TARDIS was moving, but the Doctor didn't do anything.

'DOCTOR!' Rose shouted, trying to shout over the noise. 'WHAT IS HAPPENING?!'

'I DON'T KNOW! I REALLY DON'T KNOW!' the Doctor yelled back. In his mind he was already making plans of what he would do with the people who were doing this to him and his TARDIS. He wasn't going to let them continue their existence for very much longer.

After almost two minutes, the TARDIS landed and everything was completely silent again. Rose stood up confused and she looked questionably at the Doctor, as if she wanted an explanation.

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