Chapter 19

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Rose was thrown in a cell by the guard who had taken her away from the Doctor. The guard closed locked the bars behind her and looked down at her with a wicked grin.

'I don't know what you lot are up to, but you better let me out of here if you know what's good for you,' Rose tried.

'Nice try, girl, but you are staying here, with me,' the guard sneered.

'If the Doctor finds me, and I am sure he will find me, then I am not so sure if I can stop him from killing you. He can be very protective and very jealous and you don't want to know what that does to him. I don't want to lose control over him and you certainly don't want that to happen. So I am giving you a chance right now. Let. Me. Go,' Rose said calmly.

The guard only laughed. 'Your friend will be locked up too, he can't control us. We can block any form of telepathy and he knows that. I am not afraid of him.'

'Well, you should be. Because even though he can't control you, his knowledge makes up for it. When you think you have won, he will use that against you. He will think of something, he always does. You need to do as he says and don't be so naïve! I have seen it before!' Rose said frustrated.

'You are only trying to free yourself and it is not working,' the guard sneered. 'Oh! There is your friend! See? He will also be our prisoner.'

Rose came closer to the bars of her cell to see the Doctor being dragged into the prison opposite hers. When he saw her, he struggled to come closer.

'Rose! Rose, are you alright?' he asked.

'Yes, I am. Doctor, remember our agreement, okay?' Rose asked carefully.

The Doctor looked at her with widened eyes, almost with a wild expression, and for a second Rose was worried that he would turn back on his word. But eventually he nodded. His guards locked his cell and the Doctor flew against the bars, his eyes fixed on Rose's guard. The raging fire in his eyes had returned and Rose knew that that face was only meant for sworn enemies.

'Have you touched her?' the Doctor asked, practically growling dangerously.

'Not yet... but I certainly will,' the guard scorned and the others laughed.

The Doctor clenched his teeth and gripped the bars tightly.

'When I get out, I will deal with you first. And that is a promise! My Rose is not anyone's slave!' the Doctor shouted.

'Calm down, Doctor. Of course she is, she is human. And you are also our slave, seeing that you are in our cells. Maybe we can earn some money with you, I am sure women are more than interested in you,' one of the Doctor's guards said.

'I am not interested in them so there we have a problem. And you have a problem as well. Because if you guys don't wipe that stupid, smug grin off your face, then I will personally rip your heads off your bodies. And then we will see who is still laughing,' the Doctor said with a low voice.

'You don't seem to realize that you are locked up right now and that making threats is not a wise thing to do. Do that again and we will start torturing your girl before the Emperor gets here,' Rose's guard said smugly, leaning against her cell.

'You won't do such a thing,' the Doctor said, now a smile appearing on his face. 'Because I have a sonic screwdriver. And because you don't want to be on my side, I will have to free myself from this place.'

The guards laughed even harder, but then the Doctor suddenly took his sonic out and unlocked his doors. The guards tried to grab him, but he dodged them and threw the three of them in the cell. He was too quick for the guards and before they knew what was happening, they were all locked up in the cell and all they could do was glaring at the Doctor. The Time Lord folded his arms and a satisfactory smile appeared on his face.

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