Chapter 31

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Rose tried to keep the knife in her hands, but she couldn't possibly do anything to Mickey. She was trembling completely, and so was Mickey.

'I- I can't d-do it,' Rose stuttered, looking the Doctor in the eyes, who was staring back at her with cold and unforgiving eyes. He wasn't going to listen to her.

'You will do it. If you don't, then there will be consequences,' the Doctor said with a low voice. 'I can have whatever I want, whenever I want it. So you will just do as I say.'

'I can't... Please...' Rose whispered.

'You should have thought about that earlier.'

'I won't hurt him!' Rose said, lowering the weapon.

'Don't give me that. I know you can do it, you were very eager to hurt me with that knife. So now you can have your fun. And if you don't do it, I will try something else. Something far, far worse. Do not put me to the test, Tyler,' the Doctor snarled.

Rose took a step back, although she knew she didn't have a choice. There was no point in stopping the Doctor, he wanted to punish her, and he was going to give her hell. If would refuse to obey him right now, then he might do something far worse. He gave her that promise. Rose was shaking heavily, she could barely breathe. She couldn't feel her knees anymore and she had to give all her strength not to fall down and pass out.

'Do you need a little motivation?' the Time Lord asked, taking a few steps towards Mickey. He was clearly pissed off by the fact that Rose didn't obey him straight away.

Rose shook her head, but the Doctor already had his hands placed on Mickey's temples. Rose's eyes widened in fear.

'I can make him hate you. I can make him afraid. I can make him beg for you to kill him. I can torture his mind until it drives him mad...'

'Don't listen to him, Rose! Don't do anything! Don't do anything he says!' Mickey yelled, instantly receiving slap in the face from the Doctor.

'DON'T SPEAK WHEN I AM TALKING!' the Doctor shouted enraged. The sudden outburst made Mickey want to run and hide, and he quickly cowered back from the furious Time Lord. 'Say sorry,' the Doctor ordered.

'I am sorry!' Mickey said quickly.

'I said... say sorry.'

'I just told you! I am sorry!' Mickey repeated, now receiving a kick in the stomach.

'Convince me, human. Face on the floor and address me properly,' the Doctor commanded.

Mickey did as he was told. His face went to the floor and he mumbled his apologies. 'I am sorry, my lord. I didn't mean any disrespect.'

It felt weird for him to talk to the Doctor like that. He thought he knew the Time Lord, but apparently he didn't know anything about the alien at all. And here he was, kneeling at the man's feet, offering his apologies for something he wasn't even sorry about.

'You don't mean it, do you?' the Doctor asked, but Mickey didn't answer him back. 'Should I make him hate you?' the Time Lord asked, turning back to Rose.

Rose was about to give him an answer, but suddenly the Doctor fell down, unconscious. Rose looked up to see what had happened, and she saw her mother standing behind the Doctor, with a frying pan in her hand.

'Mom!' Rose shouted, half relieved and half afraid. 'Why did you do that?'

Jackie didn't answer that. Instead, she made herself ready to hit the Doctor again. And she was prepared to keep hitting the alien until he wouldn't be breathing anymore.

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