Chapter 43

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When the Doctor woke up, he found himself locked up in chains again. He decided to keep his eyes shut, because there were voices around him. He hoped that he hadn't been gone for too long, or Rose would not stand a chance anymore. They didn't have that much time. The voices were coming from Jacob and Donna.

'... you are in so much trouble when he wakes up,' Donna snarled. 'You know, I was telling him not to hurt people, but now I am starting to think that you really deserve what is coming for you!'

'He won't do anything. Your lives are at stake.'

'Don't think that will hold him back. Besides, maybe he doesn't even get the chance if I get my hands on you,' Donna snapped.

'Stop irritating me,' Jacob shot back. 'Ah, there she is!'

The Doctor decided to open his eyes to see who had entered the room. He saw that Ashley was still unconscious, and then he saw an equally unconscious Rose being dragged into the room. He yanked at his chains, trying to get free, but he didn't succeed. It only drew Jacob's attention.

'Well, well, look who is awake,' Jacob sneered. 'Have you slept well?'

'Give Rose the antidote,' the Doctor only growled.

'I would listen to him if I were you,' Donna added. 'If you let Rose die right now... You are so going to regret that, trust me.'

'No, Donna. I promised you. Rose wouldn't want me to use violence,' the Doctor said weakly. 'I nearly lost it when I first saw that she was unconscious. When I thought she was dead... I never want to see that again! I need you both alive!'

'Maybe you shouldn't have tried to kill Ashley then,' Jacob said, walking over to Ashley to give her an injection with what was presumably the antidote.

'I am sorry... I am so sorry... I just wanted to save Rose, that's all,' the Doctor said, his head down.

Donna couldn't believe what she was seeing. How could the Doctor act so defeated? Maybe he just didn't want to show his anger in front of her, maybe he was only holding back for the sake of his companions. But Donna could almost feel the fury that was raging inside the Time Lord right now. He hated to lose control over situations. He wanted to feel power. He just didn't show his true power because he didn't want to scare his companions away. His companions were the only two beings who could stop him from doing terrible things.

'If you want her to live, you can start helping me with defeating the king,' Jacob told the Doctor.

'What do you want me to do?'

'No!' Donna shouted. 'No, Doctor, you are not going to help him destroying the king! You said you wouldn't hurt anyone!'

'It is not like I have a choice, do I?' the Doctor snapped. 'I need to protect you both, I can't risk your lives. Without you I don't have anything left to care about!'

Donna thought about that sentence for a moment. Of course, without his companions, the Doctor would really have nothing left besides his TARDIS. He would be alone again. He would become a dangerous threat to the universe again. He would fall back. So right now, he was only trying to save him from himself, because he knew what would happen if he lost someone again.

'You will take the king's crown away and give it to us,' Jacob said. 'And we want the king's deepest apologies for what he has done to us.'

'So what you really want is having this kingdom for yourself? You want to become the king? Is that what all this is about? Because if it is, you are in no sense better than he is,' the Doctor said.

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