Chapter 23

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'This, my love, is going to make your life better,' the Doctor smiled, showing Rose something he just got out of his pocket. 'You can stay with me for eternity.'

'That is just selfish. You are the one who can stay with me for eternity, because I already could be with you my whole life,' Rose snapped, not really intending to let that thing come any closer to her head. She was not going to let herself getting converted in an alien. What the hell kept Jack and Elenoriah so long?

It was as if they had heard her prayer, because just in time, the two barged into the control room.

'What now? I am busy!' the Doctor snapped, turning around.

'You wanted cookies. So here they are. I hope you choke in them,' Elenoriah said, offering the Time Lord a plate.

The Doctor narrowed his eyes dangerously. 'Speak to your master with respect.'

The princess didn't answer that, she was not used to having someone around who she had to address as her superior.

'Take one yourself first. Go on,' the Doctor offered her the plate with a very suspicious look.

'I- I can't. I have an allergy.'

'Of course you have,' the Doctor scoffed and he studied one of the cookies carefully. And he immediately knew. The girl had put poison in them. But he also knew that the poison was not lethal to him. He could just play along. Let her have her moment. He took one of the cookies and ate it without any form of hesitation. He saw the hopeful look in Elenoriah's eyes, and he also saw that Jack was not looking at him, but instead he also took a cookie. That implied that Jack didn't know anything about this.

The Doctor first pretended to be suffocating. He grabbed his throat and started coughing, knowing that the girl thought she had won. But then he gave her and evil smile that made her step back.

'You tried to poison me...' the Doctor said with a low voice.

'No... no, I didn't. You are not poisoned, are you?' Elenoriah tried, but that made the Doctor furious.

'DO NOT LIE TO ME!' he bellowed. 'If there is one person you should never ever lie to, then it is me. I have given you enough chances, don't you think? And now you have tried to kill me. And I hope, I really hope, that you two didn't have anything to do with it,' he added, looking at Jack and Rose.

Jack quickly shook his head, putting the cookie back on the plate. He knew that Elenoriah had been up to something, but he didn't know what. She wouldn't tell him and she had told him that she would take care of it. If she had only told him about her plan... Now it was too late. There was no turning back now.

'That was never my intention!' the princess yelled when the Doctor directed his fury back at her. 'Please! I am begging you! Give me another chance!'

'Slaves should obey their masters. And I already gave you another chance, you are not getting a third,' the Doctor said.

'But... I'll do anything!' she tried again.

But the Doctor didn't want to hear it. He grabbed her shoulders and slammed her against the control panel. Then he put his hands on her temples and he closed his eyes to speak to her mentally.

'Do you realize what you have done, Elenoriah?' he asked her in her head.

She could only cry, she wasn't able to think straight. She couldn't answer him nor could she block him, even though she had telepathic abilities. He was stronger.

'You have made me your enemy. And enemies are not welcome in my TARDIS,' the Doctor continued, deadly calm and with an undertone of promise of murder.

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