Chapter 27

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'Well? Are you going to tell me?' the Doctor asked, driving Shaun further into the corner.

'Maybe when you step away from me,' Shaun said with a small voice, his arms in front of him, ready to defend himself.

'Coward,' the Doctor snorted. 'Apparently you can be a big and brave man when you are hurting Donna, so you can be a big and brave man with me as well.'

'I didn't... hurt her! That was not... not my intention!' Shaun argued. 'We had a fight! Just a little fight!'

'And you let her down,' the Doctor growled.

The Doctor knew that Donna needed protection and love, her mind was too fragile to cope with any disappointments or emotional damages. She needed someone who cared about her and loved her, and Shaun clearly hadn't done his job too well in that.

'I am not the reason why she is ill now!' Shaun yelled.

'You are. You abused her. Physically. And with that, you also hurt her emotionally. And that is something her mind can't handle with the state she is in now. You are her husband, you are supposed to take care of her,' the Doctor said angrily.

'But I do! I do take care of her!' Shaun shouted.

'Not enough! You hurt her! And you need to know that I don't like it when people hurt her. I am going to take her with me, I am going to try to make her better. And when she is, then I will come after you. I will find you, Shaun Temple. And I will make you pay for what you have done to Donna,' the Doctor said, trying to keep his voice in check. He didn't want Donna to hear him lose his control, he didn't know if she could hear him right now.

'Wh-what? Why? What have I ever done to you?' Shaun asked with his eyes widened.

'Nothing, not to me. You have done something to Donna and that is something I will not accept. And you can start running now. Run away from me, try to save yourself. I wasn't joking when I said I would crush you. I really can do that. A storm is coming for you. And no one can stop that. No one ever succeeded in stopping the Oncoming Storm. Run for your life,' the Doctor growled.

Shaun glared at the man in front of him, still not really convinced that he was an alien. But there was something about him, something dark. And he knew that he should take that man seriously, even though he wasn't sure about who he was. Maybe he didn't have to know who he was, maybe he should just run away from him. But he couldn't leave Donna behind, could he? Not with that complete stranger who had just been threatening him and who wanted to take her away from him. Just because of one row in which he had lost his self-control. Just because of that little thing, that stranger wanted to take Donna with him.

'I am not leaving without my wife,' Shaun said, he couldn't help himself from trembling.

The Doctor leaned in so that Shaun could really see the fury in his narrowed eyes. 'You have no right to call yourself her husband. She deserves better. Now leave, or I'll throw you out myself. You'd better take the first option, maybe then you will still leave this apartment with all your limbs.'

'You wouldn't... DONNA! DONNA WAKE UP!' Shaun shouted, running over to Donna's unconscious form on the bed, but he was pulled back by the Doctor and thrown on the floor.

'You asked for it,' the wicked voice of the Doctor sounded and Shaun felt himself being dragged to the living room.

'I am NOT leaving without Donna!' Shaun yelled. 'So kill me then!'

'I admire your loyalty towards her, boy. Good, so you really do love her. I am very pleased to hear that,' the Doctor sneered. 'Maybe I can keep you with me, just to play around with.'

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