Chapter 7

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'Alright! Where shall we go first? Your choice, UNIT? Torchwood again? The English government? The US Congress? Come on Rose, a bit more creativity,' the Doctor said.

'As long as you don't hurt anyone, I'm good. So you can choose,' Rose answered emotionless.

'Don't be such a killjoy. I want to have some fun and you should be happier right now. You have the chance to be the highest authority here on Earth. Your own planet!' the Doctor said enthusiastically.

'I know. Great. But remember that I am not after power here. You are, so you can choose where you want to go,' Rose said grudgingly, she knew that she couldn't stop him anyway.

'How many times do I have to tell you that I am not after power? I already have power, only the humans here are too stupid to see that. No offense, but humans are stupid. Compared to me,' the Doctor said.

'That arrogance...' Rose murmured under her breath.

'What?' the Doctor asked.

'Nothing,' Rose replied, it would be stupid to provoke him already. He would only make her life in the TARDIS more difficult. And he was in a surprisingly good mood. Be it in a dark way, but he was cheery.

'If you say so... Well, then I will choose our first location! It's going to be UNIT! That is going to be fun,' the Doctor said.

'But... you can't just walk into UNIT headquarters. It is protected and you know that,' Rose protested.

'My sweet Rose... I am the Time Lord Victorious. I can do anything. Do you honestly think that their weapons can stop me? I can easily kill them all with my bare hands. And if they refuse to do as I say, then I will,' the Doctor said.

Rose looked to the ground, trying her best to come with another argument to make the Doctor stop, but she couldn't think of something. Nothing would stop him, not now. He was too powerful to be stopped and Rose was the only one right now who could see what was going to happen to the Earth. They had no chance.

'We are already there! UNIT headquarters. Rose? Are you coming?' the Doctor asked, holding out his hand.

Rose slowly got to her feet and walked past the Doctor, ignoring his hand. Then she felt an arm around her waist and she found that the Doctor had pulled her back against him.

'You are not taking my hand? Rose, you are still mad at me and you shouldn't be. I love you more than anything and I want you to know that. So don't ignore me. Just don't,' he said, coming closer to Rose. She wanted to push him away first, but she found that she couldn't. Somehow she wanted to stay in his arms. He was still the man she fell in love with. The only problem was that he had gone mad.

Suddenly Rose felt the Doctor's lips on hers. Now she did try to pull back, but the Doctor wouldn't let her. He held a firm grip on her waist and he pulled her even closer. His kiss was demanding and almost hungry and Rose found that she was enjoying it. She was kissing the man who was about to conquer the Earth, the universe, in an evil way, and she was enjoying it. That was wrong. How did he do that? She pulled back quickly, but the Doctor's lips remained on hers.

'Don't leave me, don't you dare leaving me,' he whispered against her lips.

Then he took both her hands and he took her outside.

'I thought you knew the people here in UNIT, you really should leave them in peace,' Rose tried again.

'Don't you start again. They soon will be in peace, don't you worry,' the Doctor said, but is wasn't very reassuring, it was more frightening and Rose didn't like it at all. But who was she? He would not even let her intervene.

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