Chapter 5

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'Let's start,' Bonnie said with her irritating sweet voice.

The Doctor only shot her a glare in response.

'Now don't give me that face, the better you cooperate, the sooner you can go,' Bonnie said less friendly.

'Do you honestly think I believe that? You will let me go this instant,' the Doctor said fiercely.

'I want to ask you a few questions first. So you will stay here.'

'I won't stay here chained up to the wall like I'm some sort of animal. And I will definitely not let a human tell me what to do. Now let me go, or I'll free myself and then things will be less pleasant for you,' the Doctor snarled.

'How fascinating,' Bonnie said, observing the Doctor with true interest.

'Do you think I am joking?' the Doctor asked, really irritated by the fact that the woman was studying him.

'Tell me something about yourself, where are you from, for example?' Bonnie continued her questioning.

'I'm not going to tell you.'

'We can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice,' Bonnie threatened.

'No, you can let me go or you can suffer, it's your choice actually,' the Doctor said calmly, but inside he was boiling with rage. He wasn't going to take this very much longer. He was kept here in Torchwood, the almighty Time Lord, and he was not going to let that happen.

'Don't be silly, now tell me. Or should I ask your little friend? I'm sure she is prepared to talk when I give her the right treatment,' Bonnie said, now with a more evil smirk on her face.

'Don't you dare,' the Doctor growled and he tried to break the chains with all his might, but they were pretty strong. Maybe he should just do his mind trick again on one of the guards. That would be too easy, but in order to save Rose and to show these humans who he really was, he had to free himself.

'That is not going to work, alien boy,' Bonnie sneered.

'You just wait,' the Doctor said darkly and he concentrated on one of the guards, standing by the door. In his mind, he gave the command to release him from the wall. The guard started walking towards the Doctor, following the orders in his head and he started to unlock the chains.

'What the hell are you doing?' Bonnie asked the guard. 'You will stop with that immediately!'

The Doctor smirked and he gave another guard the command to aim his gun at Bonnie, who remained her place in shock.

'What... Why are you doing this?' she asked the guard, but he didn't answer her.

In the meantime, the other guards just watched as their colleague freed the Doctor. They couldn't do anything, Bonnie didn't tell them what to do and they couldn't risk her getting shot.

'My dear Bonnie,' the Doctor said as soon as he was free. He rubbed his wrists, which had red marks on them from the chains. Then he slowly walked towards Bonnie in a menacing way. 'I didn't really enjoy this. Not at all. Now would you care to apologize for your deeds?'

'Don't aim that thing on me, aim it on him!' Bonnie shrilled to the guard who had his gun still aimed at her.

'Don't even bother, I am the one who is controlling him, Time Lord trick,' the Doctor smiled.

'A what trick?'

'Time Lord. That's who I am. The Lord of Time. Now we can do this the easy way... or the hard way, your choice,' the Doctor smirked and he gave the guard the command to lower his weapon. The Doctor looked at the others, and he saw that they looked rather afraid. Good.

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