Chapter 11

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As soon as the two hours had passed, the Doctor started to free himself from the chains. Jack may be smart, but of course he was not smarter than a Time Lord. Jack didn't take the Doctor's jacket away from him, which was very foolish. The Doctor could easily make a new sonic screwdriver with the stuff he had found in his pockets; the chains weren't even fast enough so he could even use his hands. His new sonic felt different than the original one, but he would take it back from Jack anyway as soon as he found him and Rose. Of course those two had been stupid enough not to let him out in the two hours. They were probably together right now, having a cup of tea before bedtime. And knowing Jack, he would not keep his hands off Rose. That thought didn't make the Doctor happy at all.

The Doctor first unlocked the chains so that he could walk, then he opened the bars as well. He would go looking for Jack and Rose first, the TARDIS couldn't go anywhere so she was safe. He could always come back for her. The most important thing right now was to find Jack and Rose, just to fulfil his promises.

As soon as he was out, he went looking for the staircase he had been brought down earlier. It's been two hours and five minutes exactly since Jack's last visit, and he still hadn't bothered to go and check on the Doctor. Maybe Jack was really convinced that his cells were so strong. True, the chains were very strong and he had left the Doctor without his sonic and his TARDIS, which made it slightly more difficult for him to break out, but still, he didn't take the Doctor serious enough.

The Doctor followed the stairs and ended in a hall, which he recognized from earlier. He walked down the hall, not making too much noise, until he heard voices coming from a room on his left. The doors were wide open and the Doctor could clearly see Jack and Rose sitting at the bar. They were turned with their backs towards the Doctor, so they couldn't see him.

'Shouldn't we check on him? Just to be sure?' Rose asked Jack.

'Would you please stop worrying? Nothing is going to happen to him or to you. You are safe here with me,' Jack soothed.

'I am so glad you wanted to help me, I don't know what I would do without you,' Rose smiled.

'I know that,' Jack grinned confidently, kissing Rose's cheek softly.

The Doctor clenched his fists while he was looking at the two. Jack had just kissed her on her cheek and she only smiled at him. What on earth were they thinking?

'Shouldn't we check on him? I mean, it has been two hours now,' Rose asked.

'No need, he can't possibly escape. Those chains are very strong, and he doesn't have anything or anyone to help him now,' Jack answered.

'Ahum,' the Doctor interrupted. 'I am sorry to disturb your conversation, but I am afraid you are not right at this point, Harkness.'

Both Jack and Rose turned around to see the Doctor standing in the door opening with his hands in his pockets.

'You can't be here,' Jack stated incredulous.

'And yet I am!' the Doctor smiled, though he didn't look friendly at all. 'You didn't come for me. Your two hours are over.'

'This must be some kind of trick, are you a projection?' Jack asked suspiciously, standing in front of Rose protectively. His body was a human shield to her.

'Nope. I am real. I'm sure you would like to know how I did this. It is easy actually, I've just made a new sonic device in order to escape from your little prison,' the Doctor sneered.

'I am not afraid of you,' Jack said firmly.

'But of course you are. Rose, come here,' the Doctor ordered.

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