Chapter 4

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'Welcome to Torchwood, this will be your home for now, but I'm sure it won't take your friend too long. If he really cares for you, that is,' Alex said and he opened a door for Rose.

'Do you honestly think you can just keep me here against my will?' Rose asked.

'Of course we can. But like I said, I think the Doctor will be here very soon,' Alex reassured Rose.

'I hope for your sake that he won't. He will kill you for what you've done to me,' Rose dared.

'Now don't start threatening me, let's not make this difficult,' Alex said and he made a sign towards a door, telling Rose that she had to enter that room.

Rose followed his hand and she opened the door to a small office.

'May I introduce you to my boss, Miss Sadler,' Alex said.

'Please call me Bonnie. Do sit down,' the woman behind the desk said. She had to be the highest authority in Torchwood. She was around her forty's with long blonde hair and glasses that gave her a very intimidating appearance.

Rose sat down, not very willingly, but just because she didn't have a choice.

'What do you want?' Rose asked.

'Nothing special, as soon as I have the Doctor, you are free to go. First I would like to know what you can tell me about the Doctor,' Bonnie said, trying her best to act friendly, but Rose knew better. She only wanted information.


'Come on, you were with him. You must know something,' Bonnie said smiling.

'Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. You can ask him yourself,' Rose snapped.

'Very well. But don't you dare snapping at me, I can make your life here very difficult if you refuse to cooperate with us,' Bonnie said, still smiling.

'Do you really think the Doctor will fall into your trap? He is smarter than that,' Rose said.

'Don't worry about that, dear. As soon as he enters this building, he will be sprayed with a substance that will leave him unconscious. I've created it myself, it is very strong. I've placed it at the doors, so as soon as he is here, he will be knocked out. And then we can bring him here without any problems. Any other questions?' Bonnie asked.

Rose just glared at the woman in front of her.

'You can't be serious.'

'I am serious.'

'You are the most naïve and sick person I've ever met,' Rose spat and she stood up.

'Just bring her to her new room, please,' Bonnie sighed and Rose felt Alex's hand around her arm. He took her out of the office and led her to another room, which was a lot bigger than Bonnie's office. There was a bed in it, a desk, two chairs, and there was even a wardrobe with a mirror in it. Nothing wrong with the room, except for the idea that she was in fact a prisoner.

'I'm sure you can make yourself comfortable. There's water in the desk, as for some food. If you need anything, you can use the phone. My number is in it. I will lock the door,' Alex informed Rose.

'Tell me when the Doctor is here,' Rose demanded.

'I will,' Alex answered and then he left the room and locked it so that Rose couldn't escape.

Rose walked over to the only window in the room, which was locked as well. Even if she could have opened it, her room was at least one hundred feet high, so escaping was impossible without committing suicide. Why would she even try to escape? Where would she go? The Doctor would go looking for her here and that would be in vain when Rose wasn't there at all. She would only make the situation more difficult for him. She was convinced that he would come for her, but she really hoped that he wouldn't do something stupid that could bring him any problems.

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