Chapter 17

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'So did you two behave yourself?' Rose asked and she smiled at the Doctor when she saw him. He looked at her the way he did in the past. When she fell in love with him. That smile could make her heart melt, but she had to stay strong. She couldn't let him win her back that easily.

'Of course,' the Doctor smiled, coming closer to her.

'Well... actually...' Jack said hesitantly. It was now or never, he had to tell Rose what happened earlier, the Doctor's threats had to stop. Hopefully Rose could handle him.

'What?' Rose asked when Jack hesitated to continue.

Despite the warning look he got from the Doctor, Jack decided to tell her. 'He locked you up. In some sort of time lock. You have been gone for longer than you think, he deceived you. He threatened me and some people I care about. He hasn't changed, Rose, he only wants you to think that.'

Rose's eyes widened and she looked at the Doctor. 'Is that true?'

'Of course it isn't! Why would I do that? What reason do I have to threaten Jack? Come on Rose, don't believe him... Please don't.'

Rose looked him in the eyes and she fell for his honest, brown eyes. But she couldn't be sure, maybe he was really deceiving her.

'I'm not lying, Rose. You know I am not lying to you. Jack only wants to make my life miserable for what I have done... I'm begging you, don't believe him,' the Doctor said quietly, forcing tears to well up in his eyes.

'He is the one who is lying! Not me! He is trying to make you believe him, just to win your trust! You need to listen to me, he can't be trusted. Please, Rose, if you don't do something then my friends will be in danger,' Jack said.

The Doctor tried his best sad face and he wanted to reach for Rose, to let her see that he meant her no harm, that she could trust him.

'Don't come anywhere near me, Doctor! I'm warning you, don't. To be honest, I don't know what to believe anymore. But you haven't really been a saint for the last time, have you, Doctor? So at the moment, you are the last person I am willing to believe,' Rose snapped, taking a step back.

'I know, but you are not even giving me a chance. I have done nothing wrong! Give me a hug?' the Doctor asked, but Rose didn't want to hear it.

'You have done everything wrong. Jack, what exactly did he tell you?' Rose demanded.

'That he was trying to win your trust back and that I had to do what he wanted. And if I told you that, he would punish my friends,' Jack answered, nervously looking at the Doctor. But the Time Lord kept his back towards Jack so that they couldn't see each other's eyes.

'He is lying, love, don't believe him,' the Doctor said calmly, again making a move towards Rose.

'Stay away from me! I don't need to be comforted and certainly not by you! You don't get to decide what happens in the TARDIS right now,' Rose snapped.

Rose's words did hurt the Doctor, but the pain he felt didn't make him sad or broken, it rather made him feel frustrated and impatient.

'You are tired, Rose, you need to have some sleep,' the Doctor said softly.

'I am not tired,' Rose replied, but she knew that he was right. She could do with some sleep, but she also didn't want to lose sight of the Doctor. Not now.

'Yes, you are,' the Doctor said.

'I'm not going to leave you two here alone! You may think I am stupid, but I am not that stupid. I'm staying here, with you,' Rose said stubbornly. But she knew that the two men didn't need any sleep, at least not much, and that she would nod off eventually.

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