Chapter 2

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'Where do you want to go?' the Doctor asked Rose cheerfully.

Rose was staring in front of herself, as though she was thinking.


'What? Oh, yes, I don't know,' Rose answered grudgingly.

'What's wrong, love?' the Doctor asked, sitting down next to her. 'It's your choice today, come on, cheer up!'

'I'm worried, alright? I'm worried about you!' Rose snapped, she didn't mean to sound so rude, but she couldn't help herself.

'What do you mean? Are you still talking about the fact that I did the world a favour by getting rid of Jimmy Stone?'

'No, I am talking about the fact that you never killed someone before.'

'I'm fine, Rose! I'm just fine! I've never killed before because I didn't realize that sometimes that is just the better option. It's time to free the universe of aliens who don't accept the rules,' the Doctor said simply with a straight face.

He had to be kidding.

'No, Doctor, just no! Those rules are made by you and you alone! You are not going to judge them as though you are some kind of God!' Rose said angrily.

'I am the last of the Time Lords. I do have the right to judge them, come on, we are going to do good things together! Don't be angry with me,' the Doctor pleaded.

'If you kill again, I will be angry with you. So you just watch your steps, mister,' Rose scolded, but the Doctor wrapped his arm around her and came closer.

'You can't stay angry forever, Rose.'

'You are impossible! You just...' Rose tried, but she couldn't finish her sentence, because the Doctor had pressed his lips on hers. Rose got lost in his touch and all her angry feelings disappeared.

'I would never hurt you, if that's what you're afraid of. You know that, don't you?' the Doctor asked carefully and he looked at Rose with that innocent face that made Rose melt inside.

'I know, I know. Now stop giving me those puppy eyes and kiss me,' Rose smiled and she leaned in for another kiss. When they broke apart, the Doctor stood up and walked to the middle of the TARDIS to decide where they were going.

'Now do you have any ideas?' the Doctor asked. 'Back in time? Forwards?'

'Oh, do forwards! I'd like that, you can choose the time and the planet. I don't know the names or anything,' Rose said and she stood up as well.

'I've got something! Allons-y!' the Doctor shouted and the TARDIS flew away. The landing wasn't very comfortable, but when was it ever?

'There we are! Take a look!' the Doctor said enthusiastically and he followed Rose to the door.

Rose opened the doors and she dropped her jaw when she saw the planet in front of her. It was a beautiful place with two suns and there seemed to be a blue light shining over the city she saw. The grass was greener than she had ever seen before and the air seemed so clean.

'This is beautiful!' Rose exclaimed.

'I know! I wanted to show you this planet, it is known as the most clean planet in the universe and it is a very idyllic and romantic place as well. There are humans that live here, but the thing is, this planet has been conquered by Androgums. The planet is not as peaceful as it used to be ever since, but I allowed them to stay here. Temporarily. Just to make sure that they wouldn't return to earth. It's time for them to leave this planet in peace now.'

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