Chapter 15

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No one in the pub really knew what was going on, the Doctor was just a strange, random person who was making a scene. Most of them just thought he was drunk. But Jack did what the Doctor had asked from him, he yelled at the people to go away from the pub. He even tried to drag them out when they wouldn't listen. The Doctor was just leaning on the table on his knuckles, not able to face anyone. He knew what he was capable of and the one person who could have stopped him was gone. So the people had no chance. But chasing them was much more fun, let them run, let them wonder what is going to happen, let them have hope and let them be afraid. They could run, but they couldn't hide. Not from him.

'So? They are gone! Happy?' Jack said when everyone had left, some of them forced by Jack.

The Doctor chuckled, leaving Jack only more curious.

'What? What is so funny?'

'I hope they are afraid now. I hope they are running very, very hard. I will get them, I am going to make everyone here trying to hide from me. Now that is fun, Harkness. That is exactly what I want to do now. Just playing a bit around with the weaker species.'

'That is not fair, they are not to blame.'

'Life is not fair! I have lost already so many! I just want them to feel the same! I want them to know that life is not what they think it is supposed to be!' the Doctor said, his voice sounded hurt.

'I am so sorry, Doctor, I truly am. I wish Rose was here too, I miss her as well,' Jack said quietly.

'She is not here, so until I have her back, I will destroy everything that stands between Rose and I. I once made her that promise and I am going to keep it. And the one thing that stands in my way to Rose right now, is this planet, where we are standing on now. You will help me, you will tell the people here about me,' the Doctor said.

'Ah, I get it now... You know, deep down, that you can't get Rose back. You know that that is impossible. And you don't want to admit it, it frustrates you,' Jack said smugly.

'Of course I can get her back, don't be stupid. I can do anything! That is not the reason why this planet has to go, I don't have to explain myself to you,' the Doctor said, shooting a glare at the immortal.

'You want to be a God? Is that it?' Jack asked.

The Doctor laughed at that. 'But I already am a God, as good as. I decide who gets to live and who gets to die. I stand above every law, that makes me a God, doesn't it? Those little people should worship the ground I walk upon, and they will. As will you, Jack.'

'You called me Jack again!' Jack cheered, but he quickly went serious again after receiving a warning look from the Doctor. 'Rose wouldn't have wanted you to think like this.'

'I am not going to stop before I can hear that coming from her own mouth,' the Doctor stated. 'There is only one thing I need, and if I can't have it, then no one can.'

'What's that then?' Jack wondered.


That remark made Jack's eyes widen in shock. That was something different. The Doctor didn't even sound angry anymore, he sounded more broken. His voice cracked when he spoke.

'Forgiveness?' Jack repeated, wanting to have an explanation for that word.

'You are not deaf, are you? Yes, I want forgiveness. That is all I ask. I want Rose to forgive me for everything, I would do anything just to get her back by my side. But that is not possible, and therefor nobody will get forgiveness form my side either,' the Doctor said quietly, not looking at Jack anymore.

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