Chapter 22

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Jack left Rose's room as well, as quickly as possible, and he went to the control room. The Doctor couldn't found him in Rose's room, not now she was gone. Of course the Doctor would suspect something, but now at least he could pretend that he hadn't been able to stop her. He was a bit nervous, he really didn't feel like telling the Doctor the bad news. But it was too late to turn back now, it had to be done. And if he was the one to face the Time Lord's wrath, then so be it. He had to wait for almost half an hour for the Doctor to return. And his worst fear became reality; the alien really wasn't pleased at all.

'Jack?' the Doctor asked eerily, intentionally walking very slowly. He knew that Jack was nervous, he wasn't stupid, he knew that Jack knew where Rose had gone. 'Where is she?'

'Gone,' Jack simply answered, not looking the Doctor in the eyes. He knew that he would receive a deadly glare and that would only make him more and more nervous.

'Gone where?' the Doctor asked in the same, deadly calm voice.

'Away from you,' Jack answered, now looking at his feet.

'Last time I ask you nicely. Where. Did. She. Go?'

Jack saw the Doctor coming closer, it was so quiet in the TARDIS that he heard every step the Doctor made, even though he was wearing plimsolls.

'Out of the TARDIS,' Jack said, his throat felt suddenly very dry and he swallowed nervously.

'No, Jack, that is not possible. We are in space,' the Doctor stated, his intense stare fixed on the Captain.

'She knew that. I couldn't stop her, she just jumped out. She must be... gone,' Jack said with difficulty. He hoped that he was convincing enough.

'No, Jack,' the Doctor said again. 'The door is locked.'

All the colour drained from Jack's face. He should have thought about that. The Doctor saw how worried Jack was right now and a smug smile appeared on him.

'Don't look so scared, Harkness. I am not going to do anything to you. If you tell me where she is. Where did you hide her?' the Doctor asked, still coming closer and closer and Jack took a few steps back.

'I-I don't know. I've told you, she went out. I saw it, she must have found a way,' Jack said quietly, not trusting his own voice.

'Do you want to make me mad? What are your plans? What are you two up to? Or is it three? Is the girl involved as well?'

'N-no... I don't know what you are... talking about, honestly!' Jack yelled.

'Should I ask our princess? Maybe she will answer me... I just want you to tell me where Rose is,' the Doctor said still calmly, but Jack could hear in his voice a slight tremble. He was going to lose it very soon and Jack didn't want to be in the same room when he did.

'She is gone, okay?' Jack tried again.

'Answer me, Jack,' the Doctor growled with an almost inhuman voice, it was as if Jack was staring at the devil himself. He quickly backed away further.

'I don't know... I don't know, please, I tell the truth,' he said.

'I gave you more time with her. I gave you my trust. And now she has gone and that is your fault. You want to run, don't you?' the Doctor sneered. 'You want to run and hide from me. Don't even bother, I will find you anyway. And I will find Rose too.'

'But she is...'

'DO NOT contradict me, Harkness!' the Doctor suddenly shouted and it made Jack jump against the far wall. In just a matter of seconds, the Doctor was within Jack's reach and the immortal pressed himself against the wall.

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