Chapter 8

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'Martha?' the Doctor said, not believing she really was there.

'Yes! It's me! I already thought that I heard you, and that is your new companion?' Martha asked, looking at Rose.

'Yes, I am Rose, Rose Tyler, hi,' Rose said somewhat awkwardly.

'Martha Jones, I've travelled with the Doctor,' Martha replied, then she turned back to the Doctor. 'What are you doing here?'

'I can ask the same to you, since when are you working for UNIT? I thought you wanted to be a doctor?' the Doctor asked.

'I am a doctor, I work for the medical department here. But, seriously, why are you here?' Martha asked and then her eyes widened. 'Oh no, don't tell me that you are here because of an alien invasion on Earth or something like that?'

'No, no that is not... Well... truth is, you could better... go now,' the Doctor said, not wanting Martha to be there, she would only cause him trouble and make things difficult.

'Doctor, what's going on? Are you not happy to see me?' Martha asked.

'You left me alone! You knew that I was broken, that I needed someone to keep me company and you still decided to leave me on my own.'

'I was there for you for quite some time, you can't expect me to stay with you forever,' Martha bit back.

'Rose would never leave me,' the Doctor stated, taking Rose's hand. He didn't really feel like talking with Martha right now, making her leave this way would be the easiest for both of them. Martha didn't have to see what he was doing here and the Doctor wouldn't have to tell her. He just had to make her leave and make sure she didn't want to come back to him.

'I couldn't stay with you, you know that!' Martha yelled. 'Don't blame this on me!'

'Yes, I know, you and your pathetic crush on me. I could never spend my life with you,' the Doctor said.

'Oh, and she can?' Martha pointed at Rose furiously.

'Yes! She can!' the Doctor snapped back and the look in his eyes told Martha that that was the end of the discussion. But Martha didn't leave.

'You still haven't told me why you are here. I haven't seen you for almost two years and now you are just telling me to go away? Don't expect me to do that, mister. I want to know why you are here,' Martha demanded forcefully.

Just as the Doctor wanted to open his mouth to say something to Martha to convince her that going away was the best for her, the door of the main building opened and the Captain came out with the General following.

'I wish to see the Doctor, I presume you must be him?' the General asked the Doctor.

'Yes, that's me. Hang on a second,' the Doctor answered coldly and then he returned to Martha. 'You really should go, trust me. You've always trusted me and I don't want to make things more difficult for you and for myself. Just go and nothing will happen to you.'

'Nothing will happen to me? What the hell are you planning, you seem to be different! What could possibly happen to me here? Just tell me!' Martha said confused.

'I don't have all day, Doctor, just tell me what...' the General interrupted, but the Doctor silenced him.

'I believe I have told you to wait, so you will keep your mouth shut until I'm done. Understood?' the Doctor said angrily. 'Martha, for once, do as I say.'

'You are angry, you are never angry,' Martha whispered, clearly not expecting his sudden outburst.

'Right, listen, Martha,' the Doctor growled. 'I am really starting to lose my patience right now and that is not helping anyone. So unless you don't leave right now...'

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