Chapter 6

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As soon as Rose and the Doctor had entered the TARDIS, the Doctor closed the door behind him and he followed Rose with his eyes as she walked towards the control panel.

'Start this thing and bring me back,' Rose ordered.

The Doctor did nothing. He just watched Rose and she started to feel more and more nervous. She wasn't going to let him see that, she had to insist on going home.

'Well? Are you going to do or say something?' Rose asked.

'I've told you, I'm not letting you go. I can't lose you. You have no idea how much I need you,' the Doctor said quietly.

'You're not acting like that! You are not the Doctor I know anymore, so if you don't change back, then I want to go back to London,' Rose said.

'So you want me to become soft and weak again? You don't want me to be able to guarantee your safety? You want me to show every being in the universe mercy so that they could just do as they please? You really want that?' the Doctor asked.

'Yes. I want the old you back,' Rose confirmed.

'That is not going to happen. The universe needs to be safe, it needs protection from evil. I will give that protection to the ones that listen to me. Just think about it, Rose, I can give you anything. If you stay with me, then I can give you anything you want. You can even have planets, you can have the Earth, if you like. I can make sure that everyone will listen to you and you alone. You can be so powerful,' the Doctor said now more darkly.

'I don't want that. It is wrong. The universe doesn't need protection from evil, you are the evil! You are wrong and I don't want to stay with you anymore! I hate who you have become and you will take me back this instant! Maybe that will change your wrong and sick mind!' Rose snapped.

That was the wrong thing to say, the Doctor walked towards her with big steps and he went face to face with her. Rose could tell by the look on his face that she had made him angry.

'You silly girl. You really don't understand. You will not tell me what to do, and you will certainly not talk to me like this,' the Doctor said through clenched teeth.

'You're insane!' Rose yelled, a lot braver than she felt. Then she raised her hand and she hit the Doctor hard on his cheek. She instantly regretted her action. The look the Doctor gave her was now far beyond angry, she couldn't recognize him anymore. He grabbed her wrists and pinned her painfully against the wall.

'You hit me. You actually hit me,' the Doctor growled darkly, pressing Rose even harder against the wall. 'No one can just hit me unpunished.'

Rose didn't even have the power to fight him anymore, she could only look at him with terrified eyes.

'Are you scared yet, Rose? Are you frightened of me? I can see it in your eyes. And you are right to be afraid. You are lucky that you are Rose, that I can forgive you. But you are coming with me and I will not tolerate any resistance from your side anymore. The next time you hit me, I will break your wrists,' the Doctor whispered threatening in her ear.

'Doctor... Please, you're hurting me... You promised me to never hurt me,' Rose said imploringly.

'I promised to protect you, and I will. But don't cross me, Rose. Remember that and won't hurt you. You are very, very lucky that I am offering you that chance,' the Doctor said, not letting her go yet.

'I want to go home... Please! Take me home!' Rose begged.

'Promise me to stay with me. Tell me that you're sorry,' the Doctor demanded.

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