Chapter 29

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Rose let herself fall down on the couch, trying to keep breathing. She didn't want to murder someone, but she didn't have a choice either. The Doctor would not accept it when she simply ignored his orders. He was too far gone for that. He would hurt her, and her family. He would destroy her and not show any kind of mercy. He had gone insane, he didn't recognize her as Rose anymore. Right now, she was just as much an enemy of him as a Dalek. In his eyes, she was nothing more than just a submissive slave.

'You want me to... kill?' Rose asked weakly.

'I suppose you could refuse... But that would not be very wise,' the Doctor said simply.

'Is it Shaun? Do you want me to kill an innocent man?' Rose asked snappy.

'Don't use that tone on me, human,' the Doctor warned. 'No. Not Shaun. I want someone else dead. Someone who is everything but innocent. I want to take the life from the killer who murdered my own daughter.'

'Don't you want to have that pleasure yourself?' Rose asked carefully.

'I am not going to kill him instantly. I want to make him afraid. I want him to regret what he has done. I want him to feel pain. So much pain that he begs me to kill him. And I will leave him suffering. And yes, I will take his life myself. I want to be his killer. You are going to kill everyone else who is standing in my way. You are going to prove to me that you are worthy of my trust.'

'You want me to become a murderer?'

'No, I want you to show me your loyalty. That is something entirely different.'

'You know I can't kill people! Why do you even ask this from me?'

'You wanted to prove to me that you are still on my side... So now you have the chance. Don't make me change my mind about offering you this chance, you know what will happen if you defy me,' the Doctor snapped.

'But... I am Rose, Doctor, you care for me,' Rose whispered.

'I know! That's what I don't understand! You are human. I am not supposed to care for you. I don't care about any human being. If you don't do as I say, then that is all the proof I need for knowing that you have been deceiving me,' the Doctor said, his voice softening. 'Please show me that you are on my side... Please... I don't want to have to break you...'

'You don't have to, Doctor,' Rose whispered.

'I certainly do. And I will. Don't think that I am kind. Don't make that mistake. I am not kind and if I have to, then I will punish you. I will make sure that you regret trying to deceive me,' the Doctor said, his eyes darkening again.

'You still love me, don't you?' Rose asked quietly.

'OF COURSE I DO!' the Doctor shouted. 'And I want to make sure that you haven't been using me. I can't possibly love a human Earth girl. There must be something going on. And I will find out what if you don't obey me right now. You are going to follow my orders, and if you don't, then I will get an answer out of you. Trust me, I will make every person you ever cared about burn.'

'If you love me, then don't make me do this. You have said so yourself, killing makes you a different person,' Rose said, placing a hand on one of the Doctor's hearts.

'I was weak back then. Killing is sometimes necessary. And I do love you, but you need to proof to me that I am right to love you. So go on. You first. And when I give you an order, any order, you will obey me,' the Doctor said, roughly pushing Rose away from him.

'DONNA! PLEASE WAKE UP!' Rose shouted, but the Doctor covered her mouth with his hand and he seized her arm to drag her out of the TARDIS.

'Do you want me to punish you?' he snarled in her ear as soon as they were outside. 'I believe I have told you to leave Donna alone. She doesn't need to be woken up for this. Now if you try that again, we will go straight back to Earth and I will make you pay for it. Understood?'

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