Chapter 44

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'I'm only taking Mickey on board because you want to, Rose. He can get one trip and then he will go straight back home,' the Doctor said when Rose had asked him to take Mickey with them.

'You owe this to him. You have treated him badly, so this is the least you can do. I am not asking you to take my mother in the TARDIS, am I?' Rose said annoyed.

'I didn't hurt him,' the Doctor denied.

'You did. You scared him to death. Now do as I say, because I am tired of arguing with you. That trip has got to wait. I need some sleep first,' Rose said.

'Oh! Pick Shaun up too!' Donna chimed in.

'What? Oh, no way. One person extra is already bad enough. I am not going to sit here with two other guys,' the Doctor said, while he pressed some buttons on the console.

'Are you jealous?' Rose asked with a cheeky grin, her tongue between her teeth.

'I am extremely jealous, Rose,' the Doctor smirked.

'Surely other men are no competition for you?' Donna asked.

'Of course not. I don't feel threatened by anyone. I just like it when my girls pay some attention to me.'

'We already pay enough attention to you. But I get it! If you don't want Shaun to be here then so be it! Of course Rose is more important to you,' Donna said, sticking her tongue out.

'You know that you are just as important to me. I just don't want any more people on board. Now stop giving me a bad feeling. Rose, would you please go get Mickey? I am not sure if he wants to come with me...'

'Sure! And, Doctor, you don't need to worry. Mickey is just my friend, I am with you now. So you are going to be nice to him, okay?' Rose said, before she left the TARDIS.

Just fifteen minutes later, she returned with a very reluctant Mickey. Rose practically had to drag him into the TARDIS, but it was obvious that he didn't want to see the Doctor. But when he met the Time Lord's eyes, he did say hello. Only to be polite.

'Doctor,' he nodded, then he turned back towards Rose, who had his backpack with her. 'What am I doing here?'

'He will explain, you don't need to worry. Why don't you trust me? Go on, ask him why you are here,' Rose encouraged him.

Mickey hesitantly turned around to face the Doctor, who hadn't spoken a word since his arrival. But his expression seemed to be friendly. He even smiled slightly.

'So... Why am I here?' Mickey asked, trying and failing to sound normal.

The Doctor chuckled when he heard Mickey's small voice. He tried to sound brave, but he wasn't. Pathetic, really. But he couldn't say anything about it, certainly not with Rose in the same room. He had to apologize to Mickey. Not only for Rose, but Mickey deserved his apologies.

'You are here because last time... I haven't been exactly kind. And that was wrong of me,' the Doctor answered. 'So... what I wanted to say is... I am sorry. And I want to offer you a trip in the TARDIS to make it up to you.'

'I don't want a trip in the TARDIS.'

'Mickey!' Rose snapped. 'Do it for me then! I've missed you.'

'I don't want to see him anymore,' Mickey said.

'Very well then, bye Mickey!' the Doctor said, and he turned around to hide his annoyance. He was offering that ungrateful boy a trip in his time machine and he dared to refuse.

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