Chapter 20

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The Doctor took Rose's hand firmly and he glared at the Celphia Emperor who was blocking his way. And he was not going to let him do that.

'You won't like the things I am going to do with you if you don't get out of my way,' the Doctor snarled.

'Stop trying to threaten me, you are an inferior little fool. You are nothing more than that,' the Emperor grinned, very confident about himself.

'You underestimate me, that makes you the fool. I don't want Rose to see what I have in mind for you, but if you force me than I am afraid I will have to do it. I don't want to scare her, she needs to feel safe with me. So feel lucky with this chance I am giving you and RUN!' the Doctor said, trying to intimidate the Emperor.

The Doctor meant what he said, he didn't want to scare Rose. Things were already difficult enough and he didn't want her to become afraid of him. But he also couldn't just let this alien order him around, that man had to know his place. No one was allowed to hurt Rose. And he would destroy anyone who tried to hurt her, she was under his protection. And the Emperor would regret torturing Rose, he would regret making the Time Lord his enemy.

'You have no power over me,' the Emperor sneered.

Then Rose yanked her hand away from the Doctor's grasp and she let the Emperor grab her.

'Rose? Rose... What are you doing?' the Doctor asked, completely confused by her sudden action.

'You said you wouldn't let me go, so I am taking care of things myself. Now surrender yourself to him or risk my death,' Rose said firmly and the Emperor laughed.

'I gather your love isn't mutual then,' he sneered. 'But she is right. Back off or she will die.'

'Like she will be free if I don't back off,' the Doctor said sarcastically.

'Not free. But not dead either. She can be my personal slave. Not that you can do anything about that, you will be dead by then. Now on your knees!' the Emperor shouted.

The Doctor remained his place, he didn't make any attempt to get on his knees. He wasn't going to surrender himself, so he slowly shook his head and came even closer.

'Wrong move, Emperor. Are you really that stupid or do you just want to die?'

'I said... Back off,' the Emperor growled, tightening his grip on Rose's neck who was now looking very uncomfortably. And the Doctor didn't like that at all. No matter how stupid she has been acting, he still cared for her. Besides, if anyone was going to punish her, it would be him, not some pathetic blue alien.

'I won't kill you immediately, don't you worry. Killing you on the spot would be too kind. I am going to let you watch how your people will suffer under my reign. And you will be my example for what will happen to disobedient people. I am sorry that Rose has to see that too, but so be it,' the Doctor growled and before the Emperor knew what was happening, the Doctor had him on the floor, taking Rose with them seeing that the Emperor was still holding her neck tightly. She cried out in pain.

'Rose? I'm sorry, are you alright?' the Doctor asked, truly concerned.

'Of course I am not alright! I want to go back to the TARDIS!' Rose shouted angrily.

'Not yet, sweetheart,' the Doctor said, then he turned his attention back to the Emperor, who he had still pinned down. 'Let go of her. I hope for your sake that she isn't harmed in any way, because after what you have done to her, all my mercy is gone.'

The Emperor let go of Rose and the Doctor pulled him up to his feet and grabbed his collar to make sure he wasn't going anywhere.

'I did warn you, didn't I? Don't mess around with me or my Rose. She is not anyone's slave, she is worth much more than you are,' the Doctor growled.

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