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"You've totally missed out on people watching. This young girl who arrived with a man is now all over another guy. Apparently she found someone better to mooch off of." Callie was in the chair again with a new drink in hand.

I laughed as I sat back down beside her with my new drink. My nerves were frazzled which was my own fault. I shouldn't have handled the Sophie situation like I did. "You were gone for a while, how did that quickie go?"

I looked over at her not sure of what to say. It was obvious what I did so there wasn't a point in denying it. "Obviously too fast" I laughed while we turned our heads towards them.

"Don't sweat it. Sophie means nothing. She's pawned after him and still hasn't been able to claim him." I kept subtlety looking and felt more embarrassed at what I'd done.

"I'm not. I shouldn't lead him on like I did. I know his ways, they won't change. I've probably made myself look like a whore in front of her."

"First of all you're not a whore. Second of all you and Harry have a history. Before he was the rich famous bachelor women want to tame now. Who knows? I think he definitely cares for you. Don't lead him on then. Use him for physical release. I'm sure he doesn't mind it." She shruggs.

"You're right. I've found a new place but I haven't told him yet. I don't want to live off of him you know? It's just weird."

"You think he will get mad about you moving?"

"If it's the Harry I know? He won't understand why I want my own place. He really has helped but honestly? I feel like I'm stirring up trouble. Feelings coming back on my part that shouldn't. We've crossed the line twice. I need to stop it before they blur."

"Like I said. Draw the lines to physical. That way you won't have to worry about the emotional ones."

If only that was as easy. I'm afraid I'd already blurred the lines on my part. When I look at Sophie hanging on him and feel the jealousy, I know I have.


The door closed loud behind me. Harry and I just got back to the penthouse and when he seen my townhouse brochure on the counter that I had forgotten I had left, I was gracious for the space outside of the car.

"Were you not going to tell me?"

I turned trying to look innocent. I knew what he was asking. "About?"

"You finding a place and moving? I told you that you can stay here as long as you wanted to Sailor!"

"I haven't signed and got the keys yet Harry but yes I was going to tell you. I appreciate everything you've done-"

"What the fuck? Why do you insist on moving? Are you not happy here?"

"Yes!! I just hate mooching off of you ok? I want to be independent. I hate feeling like I owe you-"

"You're not mooching! I bought this fucking place for you! It's yours! Why do you think I had you pick it out that day? I rarely stay here. I bought it for you."

I sighed, he clearly wasn't getting it. "I am thankful and appreciative of everything you do for me. But I want to get my own place myself, I have to. I am happy here but I have to have my independence. I went to college and have a job for a reason. It's nothing against you Harry I promise."

He sat down on the couch, pulling his phone out. "Where and when are you moving to?"

I explained when and where and I think he understood why. "I'm not wanting to never talk or see you again or anything like that at all."

"Well what do you want then? Do you want to date again?"

I wasn't expecting this conversation so soon. I didn't know what I wanted. Feelings have came back of course, but I also knew him and his reputation. He was a good looking guy, rich, with a great personality. I couldn't fight or be jealous for his attention against other girls. "I dunno? What do you want?"

"You should know how I feel about you Sailor. Surely you're not blind."

I didn't want to be a booty call for him either. But it wasn't for me or him to expect his attention all the time when he traveled for work so much. "We can date? I know work keeps you busy so I don't expect you to be here all the time."

"Date? So do you want it casual or do you want a relationship?"

I didn't want him sleeping with anyone else if he was with me. "Well casual I guess? I'm not going to sleep with anyone else though."

"I won't either. If I found out a guy was making moves I'd seriously be fucking pissed." He grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. He started kissing my neck as I spoke.

"Me? You're the one with girls practically throwing themselves at you all the time!" I moaned as he sucked below my collar bone. He lifted my top over my head, kissing his way down further.

"They don't stand a chance. Not with you. I don't want you to worry about that. You understand?" As he peeled off my bra I moaned, while he made it clear he wanted me.


Harry had to leave for work for the week while I packed my things up when I got home from work. I was moving this weekend and wanted everything taken care of. Harry and I agreed to take turns staying at each other's places when he was in. For once I felt good about the situation.

This week I had a little traveling to do for work myself but wasn't too far or for the whole week. I'd check the tabloids but so far Harry wasn't pictured with any girls. Sophia however posted pictures of them together on her Instagram from the pool party. I didn't like her already.

Luckily I had furniture for my new place, I'd buy a few more things and had all my utilities turned on. I was excited for my new place and hoped that this arrangement with Harry worked out. Sometimes things were too good to be true.

He was supposed to be back Friday night but said it was taking longer and when I seen him tagged on Instagram at a restaurant I barely seen it but Sophie was distantly in the background. 

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