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My head was pounding when the sun shown through the sheer curtains. My mouth was dry and all I had wanted to do was go back to sleep. I moved and found Harry sleeping beside me peacefully. I started to blush, thinking of all the things we did the previous night, multiple times. I moved my legs and could feel the sore ache in them.

I was fucked. Literally and thoroughly. What was I thinking? Apparently I wasn't. He has a girlfriend for heavens sake. And he is my boss!! I shouldn't have drank so much and shared that joint with him or this would've never happened.

"It's too early to be having such deep thoughts Sailor." His deep voice tumbled against the pillow. I forgot how sexy it sounded when he first woke up. I sighed and didn't say a word back to him. Where did we go from here? Is there even a way to go back to normal after this??? I doubted it.

I decided to get up and make some coffee. I took some Tylenol and decided against room service, needing time to think. I told Harry I was going down to have breakfast and he was still asleep. I threw my hair up and changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. When the lady sat me at my table with the ocean view and I ordered breakfast I finally felt better. I scrolled through my phone and Liz called.

"Explain please." She said.

"What are you talking about?" I took a bite of food and looked out over the ocean.

"The paparazzi pictures I just saw of you and Harry kissing on a balcony."

Shit. When I looked earlier there were none online and I'd searched every site looking for any. I sighed. "We hooked up last night. He broke up with Sarah."

"Are you back together then? Sarah will throw a fit."

"Well no. We drank too much and one thing led to another. I wish those pictures would be taken down. I might have him try to get them removed."

Liz laughed. "They've been seen now so it wouldn't matter and who cares? You can do who you want."

We chatted a little more and when we hung up I looked up the pictures. They were grainy and you could see us kiss but that was it. I finished my breakfast and headed back up to our room. Harry was dressing from a shower and I took a seat on the couch. He'd changed into a T-shirt and swimming trunks and sat beside me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. He didn't look hungover and I was jealous. Why couldn't I look like that?

"Kind of. There are pictures of us kissing online."

"How do you feel about it? I mean what happened last night..."

I sighed. I knew I wasn't happy but I wasn't unhappy. I was confused. "I don't regret it. I hate they took pictures on a work trip. Plus Sarah is going to throw a fit..."

"I told you I broke up with her. As far as work goes you were fired at the time. I want you to know I don't regret it. I've missed you and I'm thankful as fuck I got to be with you."

I'd missed him too. I've never really been over him since high school. I loved him and the situation was just confusing. "I've missed you too Harry. But what happens now?"

He smirked. "We spend the day sightseeing and finish up work tomorrow. If everything goes as planned we will return home and to work and figure it out from there. I'm putting the ball in your court so you can decide what you want. I want you obviously but it's your decision."

We spent the rest of the day and the next doing exactly that.


I was in my office working and heard loud voices. There wasn't a scheduled meeting and it sounded like it was coming from Harry's office. There was some small gossip at work and Vin called me but other than that it was pretty quiet. I still hadn't decided what I wanted but at work we kept it professional.

There was a loud knock on my door before it came flying open. Sarah walked in with Harry following.

"You little home wrecker bitch. I saw the pictures. I knew you were after him!!!"

"Sarah I broke up with you before anything happened with Sailor." Harry raised his voice at her.


I sat and watched the drama unfold between them. This girl was crazy and I wanted her gone.

"You need to leave Sarah right now before I call security and have you removed. Harry broke up with you so get over it. This is our place of work and I'm not dealing with your drama. Harry nor myself have to explain anything to you. However I knew Harry in high school and whatever happens between us is not your concern. You were broken up and still are so I'm sorry you're upset but I didn't cause this."

Her eyes were livid and she smacked him across the face. I called security and they escorted her out.

"Fuck. I'm sorry about that. I didn't know she'd show up today." He looked tired and stressed. I made a note to tell security she isn't allowed on our floor unless granted permission before hand.

I waved him off. "Not your fault. But she is a little crazy. I guess she lost it because you broke up with her."

He sighed and rubbed his temples. We hadn't got to spend much time together since we've been back do to work being so busy. I knew he would be flying out to the other office for two weeks on Monday and since it was Friday I had an idea.

"How about we get dinner tonight and hang out this weekend before you fly out on Monday? We could watch movies and relax?"

"That sounds great to me. Want me to come over your place tonight around 7??"

That sounded perfect.


I'd called us in some Chinese and after a quick shower Harry came over. We ate, watched TV and relaxed. It felt nice. Sarah kept calling him and he ignored her. I told him to just hear her out but he said all she did was scream then cry. Luckily Harry had her sign a NDA so she couldn't run her mouth to the press.

"You packed and ready to fly out on Monday?"

"I have an apartment there with clothes so I don't need to pack. You should fly out with me some time. See your pal Vin."

"Harry, Vin is gay if that's what you're getting at. I would like to see him."

He laughed and said he knew he was. He seemed to like Vin and apparently he was killing his new position. I was happy for Vin but I missed him. As the movie got closer to the end Harry and I had gravitated closer to each other and I ended up half way lying on him. He held me in his arms and it felt like heaven. When he started massaging my muscles I almost fell asleep and he woke me. I brushed my teeth and he was getting his things, ready to leave.

"You can spend the night since it's so late..if you want to."

He pulled his shoes back off and headed to my bathroom. I gave him an extra toothbrush I had and changed into a pair of comfortable sleep shorts and a tank.

Harry pulled his shirt over his head and took his pants off, sliding in beside me. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and kissed me on the neck.

"Thanks for letting me stay. I'm exhausted." Soon after I could hear his light snores and he kept his hand around my waist.

Sleep never came for me though. I was anxious with thoughts of everything running through my mind.

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