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"He's in the tabloids again. What is it? Like Harry month or something?" Liz was on her phone looking at the paparazzi pictures of Harry that I'm sure I'd already seen. It had been a month since I'd told Harry what I'd wanted and basically when he told me what he didn't want without giving me an answer.

I couldn't hold it against him. He wanted his career, success. Money. Things he had worked hard for that was paying off. Literally. But I guess greed sometimes got in the way, making us want more and more once we've had success in our hands. I hadn't talked to him much since that conversation. At first he'd called and texted a lot but when my responses were vague and short I guess he got the picture.

I was not going to change my mind anytime soon. I knew what I wanted and he knew he couldn't give it to me. That's life I suppose.

"Seems that way. I try to ignore the photos but it's hard." I tried to busy myself while cooking dinner. Liz had been over more frequently. She said she was coming over because she was worried about me but I truthfully thought there were some problems in her relationship she didn't feel comfortable enough to tell me about yet. I wasn't going to push her. I enjoyed her company and when she was ready I knew she would tell me.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't bring it up. It just pisses me off seeing him so happy go lucky. I mean there's a picture of him and some girl what looks like to be singing karaoke or some shit."

"It's his longtime friend. I don't think there's anything going on there. If there was then it won't last but a week or two. He doesn't want a commitment remember?"

"Yea how could we forget!? Ugh! I need to hook you up with someone. Get you out of this funk. You never know it may be your Prince Charming."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. I wanted Harry and I knew I'd compare any other man I went out with to him. But I guess it couldn't hurt to get out on the dating scene. I know I'd never meet anyone if I waiting on Harry and if I did wait on him who knows how long I'd be waiting.

"I may take you up on that Liz. I'll give it to you there, you have a point." I served our dinner and we had a girls night in.


It was Friday and I was going on my fourth different date that Liz had set me up with. My other three were nice guys but just weren't my type. Too boring, nothing in common, one lived at home with his mother still. I was beginning to give up hope. If this one didn't work out I was taking a break for a while. I only agreed to this once because Liz insisted that he was different from the others and didn't live with his mother.

I arrived at a casual restaurant downtown. I'd learned from my previous dates it's better to meet them there than for them to come pick me up just in case I knew it wouldn't be anything more than a first date. Liz described him as having short blonde hair, tall and cute. His name was Luke and I was a little early. I decided to go to the bar and get myself a drink before I met him.

As I waited for my drink a tall guy slid beside me in the next barstool. He ordered a jack and coke and pulled his phone out. I glanced over and noticed he was cute.

He had a simple black button up on with dark jeans and his lip pierced. He noticed my gaze and smiled at me.

"Hello. You having a good evening?" Already getting hit on before my date, who happened to be late arrived.

I shrugged and smiled. "Pretty good so far. Just waiting on someone actually."

"Me too. I'm Luke. You are?"

"The person you are waiting on if I'm correct." He smiled and had straight white teeth. He laughed and shook my hand.

"I've actually been here a while. I had been waiting out front but decided to grab a drink since I couldn't find you. You want to grab our table?"

"Sure!" He got up and paid for our drinks and let me walk ahead of him. I was surprised but our conversations went smoothly. I'd never guessed he was a business owner, a successful Motorsport company at that. He was nice, didn't seem like a player and had his own house.

When dinner was over I'd planned to meet with him again. I'd have to call Liz and give her credit on this date. When I pulled into my house and changed I called her and told her how good it actually had went.

"I knew it would go good! Luke seemed nice. I'm surprised he is friends with Drew. I know he had purchased a boat off of him and mentioned him before. So he was nice and cute?"

"Yes. Very nice and cute. Very respectful and we had a lot in common."

Liz kept talking and I couldn't help but pull up to see if Harry was in any new pictures. She noticed I'd gone quiet when I'd seen pictures of Harry out with his friends and a girl I didn't know at a club.

"Are you there??"

"Yes I'm here. I definitely plan to meet up again with him again. A second date is a go with him."

"I'm so glad!"

For the first time in a while I was excited to date again. Seeing the pictures of Harry upset me and only made me want to go out on dates more. Why should I sit at home waiting around for him when it clearly looked like he was out having a good time??

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