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Harry kissing on the beach. Harry kissing out for a walk. Harry having a quick on his desk at work. Harry fucking Sarah. Those were my continuous thoughts since I first saw those photos. When I came into work this morning it's all I could think about. Let alone I got very little sleep last night, I did not want to sit through this meeting. Thankfully Vin didn't mention the photos and when he asked what was wrong I told him I didn't sleep good. Not a complete lie.

We were all in the large conference room seated at the table to wait on Harry. Maddie had carried a bunch of portfolios in and passed them around to the appropriate people. As I skimmed through the first few pages, I nodded off until I heard the door open and Harry walked in. He grabbed a paper Maddie gave him, looking it over. Why did he have to wear that damn grey and blue pinstriped suit? Why did his hair have to look so sexy making me want to run my hands through it?

Harry sat down and greeted everyone. "Thank you all for showing up. Sorry I'm late. I appreciate your time. There are a few things I wanted to talk about. First of all I decided after my meeting with Mr.Lopez after coming to a mutual agreement that we will invest in the hotel. Construction will start by the end of the month. Second thing is I've decided to open a new branch in the west coast to accommodate the businesses on that side. I have found a perfect space and it is currently being finished to make a perfect office. I wanted to tell you all first that there will be several new positions open before I placed job opportunities. If you are interested you will find in the portfolios the open positions. If you would like to apply and transfer offices speak to your managers and they can assist you and answer any specific questions. I will be splitting my time here and at the new office so I can be available for both places. I appreciate everything that you all do for this company. I wanted to let you know I am lucky to be able to work with a great group as you. Thank you."

Harry stood and the department managers and a few coworkers met up to talk with him. On my way out Harry was busy talking to others to pay me attention. Vin caught up and nudged me. "So are you wanting to transfer?"

"No I'm comfortable where I am. Are you?" I sat at my desk while Vin took a seat beside me.

"I don't know. I'm going to read through the portfolio at the positions. I wouldn't mind having Allison's job. If there is one available for her at the new place then I would consider it." He shrugged.

"Vin!! You can't leave me!" He laughed and shook his head and went back to his office. I hope he wasn't serious because it would be so different if I didn't have him around.


A month after the meeting it seems that Vin was serious. There was a position like Allison's and Vin applies and has gotten it. I was said but happy for him and his new adventure. Work wouldn't be the same without him. While I was mourning Vin's last day Allison called me back into her office. I sat down and she closed her door.

"I noticed you didn't apply for any positions at the new office. Are your plans to stay here?" She asked as she sat down.

"Yes. I have family here and an apartment. I'm not really wanting to transfer to the new office."

"Did you happen to look at the open positions posted?"

"No I didn't."

She sighed. "Well I am happy that you aren't transferring. You've done an excellent job and it's hard to find people who can do the job and multitask well. You're very organized and have impressed me which is why I think you need to be somewhere else."

I know my face showed a shocked expression. Was she trying to tell me I need to transfer even though she said she was happy I wasn't?

"Maddie is transferring. She will be Mr.Styles personal assistant when he is visiting and doing meetings at the new office. There is now an open position here for Mr.Styles' personal assistant. I think you out of anyone else is the best qualified and I know without a doubt you could do the job excellent more than anyone. If you take this position your pay would have an increase and you would get your own office. It wouldn't be as stressful because Mr.Styles won't be here since he is splitting his time I half for each office."

"I haven't applied though. I mean I didn't even know Maddie was transferring."

"Maddie decided she wanted to move to the west coast and wanted to do her same job and when she applied she of course got the position. So what I'm trying to say is would you accept the position? Maddie would train you before she left."

"Can I think about it??"

She handed over a sheet of paper that listed the responsibilities and tasks that would be performed. I scanned through and at the bottom was the increase in pay. Which was a lot. I'd honestly be stupid not to take it. If I was being honest I thought my job was a little boring because I was good at multitasking.

"Yes. But I need to know by the end of the week so I can set up interviews for applicants. I wanted to ask you first before I did."

"I appreciate you thinking of me and will have your answer."


"You'd be crazy not to do it Sailor! The pay is a big difference and it sounds like it wouldn't be as bad. Plus you'd have your own private office." Liz was giving me the pros over the phone while I what are you doing watching tv. I had decided I would accept the offer but was still unsure and hesitant.

"I just don't know how it will be seeing him and if I had to be around him and this Sarah girl I don't know if I could handle it." More pictures of Harry and her had been around so apparently they were still an item. Luckily I didn't see her or run into her at the office. Vin said she stopped by one time to have lunch with Harry but I didn't see her.

"Well I doubt you'll be seeing her because he will be busy when he is there since he will be at two offices. And who cares if you see her? You can be professional and handle it. I think you'd regret it if you didn't take it."

"I know. You're right. I need to do it."

"Uhh Yeah! And if she shows up just text me and I'll come over and have lunch with you and we can size her up." I laughed and hung up. Tomorrow I was going to accept the position and I wouldn't regret it.


I was at the end of my orientation with Maddie while she packed her things out of her office which was now mine.

"Any questions about anything you can call me or ask Allison." She did a curt goodbye while I sat in my chair and breathed. Luckily Maddie took care of everything for the next week so I would have an easy transition but it was pretty simple. I'd have to focus on my multitasking more but I knew I could do it.

While setting a few photos on my book shelf there was a knock on my door. Harry peeked his head inside asking if he could come in. He stood next to me, looking at the various pictures I'd placed. I had one of mom and I, one of Liz and I and one of Liz and I when we were in high school. I moved and sat down at my desk because he was so close to me.

"Was this picture taken at my old house at one of those parties?" He asked while looking at the framed photo. It was the best picture I had of Liz and I when we were younger.

"Yes I think it was. We were both drunk in it but I remember it being taken and us laughing when the picture was taken."

He sat it back in its spot and sat across from me. Crossing his legs he looked around and back and me, smiling.

"You feeling good? Did Maddie answer and explain everything?"

"Yeah she was nice. I believe I will handle everything well and I've already entered events and things of when I need to get them done by."

"You'll be great I have no doubt. I'll be gone the next two weeks at the new office. It's coming along well and some of the new people hired are finishing up their training. I'll email you a list of upcoming events and meetings and things I need taken care of so you can get a head start. If you need anything you know where my office is."

He stood and nodded as he left. I released the breath I was holding in and looked over everything Maddie had taken care of before she left. My heart sank when I saw she had made reservations for Harry and a Miss Larson for dinner tomorrow night.

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