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"Don't forget the meeting in the morning!!" Vin yelled at me as he left work. I had a few things to finish and was planning on leaving myself. It had been two months since the Cabo trip, two months since Harry and I had our repeat conversation, two months since he's been acting professional towards me. He didn't go out of his way to make conversation and didn't talk to me unless it was about work. While at work. To say I was a little sad was an understatement and selfish. I missed him and hated he actually was listening to me.

I shut down my computer, checked my phone and saw Liz had called three times. She had too much time on her hands and was getting bored. I dialed her back as I walked to my car.

"What the hell!! I've called you three times in the past hour!!"

I pulled out of the parking garage and headed towards my apartment. I couldn't wait to get my heels off. "I'm sorry. I had my phone on silent and was finishing up a few things at work. What's wrong?"

"You got any wine at your place?"

"Seriously? Is that what you were calling about?" Traffic was bad and I was not going to buy her alcohol when she had all day to do it.

"'No but it is necessary for tonight. I'm on my way to your place. Want me to pick up a bottle?

"If you insist. I should be there soon. I don't have much left. I still haven't went grocery shopping."

"Ok. I'll be there in ten." She hung up without a goodbye. 

After going through rush our I finally made it to my place and saw Liz was already there parked in the guest spot. Liz must've been bored to make it there so quick. When I stepped inside I took my heels off and Liz stood with my laptop open and handed me the glass.

"Thanks. Gosh I'm worn out. I swear I'm going to buy some of those crocs. They may not be the most fashionable things but I've heard they are super comfortable."

Liz just stared at me and it was making me uncomfortable. "So what's going on?"

"Well I saw this online today around lunch when I first called you." She gave me a look saying I should answer my phone. "But anyways you need to see this."

She turned the computer around and it showed a news website. I scrolled through and when I read it and saw the pictures confirming it I was speechless.

"Well? Who is she and what the hell is it?"

"I-I don't know I've never seen her. But apparently she's a real estate agent who has dark hair and fake boobs."

"Yeah I noticed them too. I didn't know if you saw it already or knew it already from the gossip at work."

I hadn't heard a thing from work because we were all too busy for gossip. But Harry openly having a new girlfriend would've been big gossip at work. There were pictures of them together at a park, at a dinner, even pictures of her leaving his place. The fact his PR team commented no comment as to who she was. those pesky paparazzi already knew her name, occupation, age and how long she'd been seeing Harry.

Liz moved towards me and looked at the pictures. "She's not even that pretty."

I tried to act calm, that I didn't care. I mean I'd pushed him away into another woman's arm because I wanted professionalism from him at work. I knew Harry and knew he wasn't a celibate angel, but I'd never known him to having a girlfriend in public besides me. Who was this Sarah Larson?

"Well I hope she makes him happy. He deserves it."
and I meant that in all seriousness. I was jealous but I wanted him happy. I just hoped if she stopped by the office I'd never have to see her.

"Id want to gouge her eyes out. I think it's ridiculous. She'd probably using him for the attention and name to get her real estate selling."

I sighed and went into the living room. "Maybe so but apparently he doesn't care. They look pretty happy and cozy with each other in those pictures."

"How did you not know?"
Liz asked.

"He's been gone a lot and in a lot of meetings. His office is on another floor and so I don't see him very often but we have a big meeting in the morning. Now I dread seeing him." That picture of them openly kissing made me want to vomit and would be replaying in my mind during it.  "But I mean I did ask him to be professional and he has been. I told him in Mexico that nothing could come out of us right now. " I didn't really expect I'd push him into another woman's arms.

"I'm sorry but you know I'm straight up with you. You should've screwed him while you had the chance. I mean I know you and know you want to be professional and not get special treatment but he is the owner of that company. No one could say or do anything against it."

"If I would've slept with him it would've made everything worse-"

"Worse than what you're seeing and no doubt feeling now? Come on Sailor. This is your high school love, the love of your life. The man who has had your back many of times and lest not forget got you pregnant-"

"I know that Liz!! But I'm trying to be independent. I do love him yes. And yes I'm jealous as hell right now. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"No. I want you to be with who makes you happy and forget about the rules. Rules were made to be broken and he's the one who made the damn rules. I doubt you'd get into any trouble with the owner of the company."

I sighed. "He's done so much for me and I don't want him to be unhappy. If he has found someone then I hope she makes him happy. I can't sit here now and wish I could change things. What good would it do?"

She hugged me before she left and I decided to take a long bath and finish that much needed bottle of wine. I'm glad Liz told me so I didn't feel off guard when I knew I'd hear about it at work. Even though I had feelings for him I needed to be my own person. Learn about myself and grow. To be my own strong woman.

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