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"So you two are going out again?!" Liz yelled over the phone. Luke and I had been seeing each other for over a month and things were progressing great. We hadn't been intimate yet but I had a feeling tonight would be the night. He was really nice to me and had a great personality. Plus he'd helped me think of Harry less more and more each day.

We were meeting some of his friends tonight at dinner who I'd already met so I felt comfortable around them and liked them.

"Yes with some of his friends. I'm excited to try out this new steakhouse."

"Eat a bite for me and have fun! You're lucky they were able to seat all of you all since it just opened. I've heard it's been packed every night it's been open. Let me know how it goes."

I said goodbye to Liz and got ready for dinner. The new restaurant we were going to wasn't that fancy but supposed to be really good. Liz was right, we were lucky to get a big enough table. I dressed casually and waited on Luke to pick me up. When he arrived he was casually dressed too.

"You look good...you ready to check this place out?" He pulled out and drove towards the city.

That's one thing I liked about Luke. He was casual and easy going. He wasn't into fancy clothes and expensive things. He had money but didn't show it off. His personality was like that too. We hadn't had a disagreement or argument since we had started seeing each other. Everything flowed easy and I really liked it.

"Thank you. Yes I'm excited! I've heard it's really good. I'm shocked we were able to get a big table."
I looked out the window as the buildings downtown came into view.

"Matt is friends with one of the chefs so I think that played into our favor. This place is booked completely every night for like the next month."

I smiled while Luke dropped me off and went to park his car. I didn't see any of his friends that I'd met so I let the front know we were there and she gave me the buzzer to hold when our table was ready. I made my way into the bar and ordered a drink. It was dimly lit and the design of the place was rustic. As I sat and drank my drink I looked around for some of Luke's friends. I spotted Hillary and waved her over. She was a nice girl who dated Mikey.

She sat down beside me and ordered a drink. "This place is so cool. I'm starving and can't wait to eat! Where's Luke? Mikey is trying to find somewhere to park."

"He's doing the same. They may have to park a little away since it's crowded."

Hillary took a drink and laughed. "I don't know why they didn't just use the valet. I'd rather pay a little than try to find a spot here to park personally."

"I agree. That's what I would've done."

Hillary continued to talk and we'd look around to see who all was in the restaurant. I kept looking at the entrance for Luke so I could wave him down to the bar area. Hillary was talking about something to do with her job when I lost my breath. I was looking at the entrance and in walked Harry. It was the first time I'd seen him since we had our fight and I'd started seeing Luke. He didn't see me at first and it looked like he was with a couple of guys I hadn't met before. Like he could feel someone staring at him, he turned his eyes towards the bar and saw me. When we made eye contact Luke and Mikey walked by him. Luke walked up to me, placing a kiss on my head and ordered himself a beer. Harry watched it all and I quickly turned away from him, hoping Luke didn't notice.

"This place is sick!!" Mikey announced and shortly after the rest of the group showed up. I didn't see Harry when our buzzer went off and luckily we weren't sat near anywhere I could see him. I ordered myself more drinks throughout the dinner. My anxiety was high because even though I was with Luke, my heart raced at seeing Harry. I kept up conversation, but kept thinking about what Harry thought when he saw me. Did he care? Did he meet other women here and eat with them? I tried to block the thoughts out.

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