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I was officially out on my own at work and every day seemed busier than the last. I didn't realize how busy and how much work Harry's company and himself did. With all of the business deals, properties he owned it wasn't any wonder why he had so much money. And stress. When I was with him he never expressed the amount of stress he was under with work. He handled everything with grace and I can't remember him complaining about it. It showed how much he loved what he did.

I haven't had any personal interaction with him that wasn't professional since the incident in his office. He respected my wishes and boundaries. But every time I was around him Maddie was on his heel. Vin loved to laugh at her and did the best impressions of her. While we were currently out with some coworkers and friends having drinks, he had all of us laughing.

"Like oh my god. Mr.Styles can I wipe your ass for you after you shit? No? Are you sure sir? I don't care one bit." Vin did his best impression of her voice and I couldn't help but spit my wine out while laughing. I hated to be that way but it was such the perfect example of her. I didn't want to come off as being rude but it was too funny not to laugh.

"Ew Sailor you spit on my shirt!" Vin got a napkin to wipe it off.

"Aww I'm sorry Vin. But that was too funny and I couldn't help it!"

Vin and I would mock Maddie together but he was the only one I would do it in front of.  He and Liz got along great and he was becoming another one of my good friends. He introduced me to his boyfriend who was super nice and often they came over to my apartment to have drinks and watch movies.

I never told Vin about my and Harry's history because I didn't want him to think any different of me. So that Following Monday when I got into the office and sat down Vin came into my cubicle being all hush hush.

"So apparently Mr.Styles is having this huge meeting with some company that wants him to invest in their company. He is flying to Mexico and apparently he will be gone for like a week."

I laughed. "So? What's the big deal. Like why are you whispering about it?" I signed on my computer to load my tasks for the day.

"Apparently little Miss Maddie can't cut it and do the job by herself. They're going to pick another secretary to assist Maddie with the trip and meetings to make sure nothing gets left out."

"Who is they? Why wouldn't he just take Allison with him to assist Maddie?"

"Because Allison stays here and helps run the office with Daniel. I think Allison picks who will go with them."

"Well you might as well pack a bag to Mexico Vin. You'll end up going. You have the most experience out of us."

I responded to some emails while Vin sat down next to me. "Um hell no honey. I used to make those trips when I first started and it wasn't so bad because he had a hot male assistant. Allison knows I won't go.

"Well then Betty can go. And what happened to this hot male assistant?"

"Betty is too old to go so I figured I would forewarn you. Unfortunately he met his now current wife and they moved."

I looked up at him shocked and he winked while walking back to his desk.


Vin's news and gossip had my nerves on edge the rest of the week. I didn't know if he knew what he was talking about or not but Vin somehow knew all of the office gossip. Like how one of the guys in IT was screwing the young front office secretary who was in college. Apparently he was engaged but cheated on his fiancée all of the time and the poor girl that was the front office secretary named Brooke didn't know. Also Vin thinks Daniel has it hot for Allison but she won't give him the time of day. Vin thinks they occasionally have sex outside of work.

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