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I wasn't sure how long it had been but Remy kept making sure I'd kept in contact with Liz. I wasn't sure she got the hint that something was wrong, even though I tried my best to alarm her. I still couldn't say anything out of the ordinary and still hadn't gotten any messages or calls from Luke or Harry. Remy liked to rub it in my face that Harry had been partying with other girls, living his best life. Luke hadn't said a word either. I kind of understood how Luke wouldn't be worried but it wasn't like Harry to act like this. He must've been really mad and fed up with me and gave up. It made me even more sad because I loved him and hated that he thought I was actually ignoring him and was with Luke.

I sat on the dirty mattress staring at the wall. I was so tired, I tried to stay awake because I was afraid someone other than Remy would come inside. I don't know how long I'd been awake, hours, days? Time wasn't on my side that was for sure. I was nauseated from not eating normally that when I was given food I'd have to vomit, not being able to hold anything down. I'd thought I'd reached my lowest possible point in life already but this was it. This was the lowest I'd been and I tried so fucking hard to be strong. The depression kept weighing me down though. When your alone, secluded from anyone and any interaction all you have time for is your thoughts.

As I laid there in a daze three knocks happened and the door opened. I didn't bother getting up, it was useless anyways. But I noticed two sets of footsteps, or I was hallucinating from dehydration. I heard Remy clear his throat while another other man was standing in front of me.

"Seems like you have fate on your side. I received a nice bundle of cash today, more than what was owed. However the only way for me to get that is to return you." I still didn't make eye contact with him.

"Remy is going to get you cleaned up and then we are taking you to the meeting point. You are not to say a word of what happened here and mention anyone's names. If I find out, I will hurt your friends and family. I will make them then you disappear to the point you wish you wouldn't have made it out of here." With that he nodded to Remy and left with the door slamming behind him.

"So you heard the boss. Time to get you showered and changed. You stink and I can't handle your smell in my car." He laughed and grabbed my wrists to stand me up. I wobbled like I was a baby who was learning how to walk again. "Stand. What is your damn problem?" He pushed me forward to the shower.

"I..I don't know. I weak. I'm afraid I'm dehydrated." He turned the water on not bothering to care what I'd said. After he cleaned me he put me in a T-shirt and loose track pants and tennis shoes. He tied my hands together and blind folded me. I remember him asking me if I could choose one person to pick me up, who would it be? I felt the needle hit my skin and the drugs go into my vein when I whispered "Liz."


I was blindfolded and left on a road. I vaguely remembering hearing the guys trade off with the money. I heard Remy ask who the "gangly motherfucker" was to the guy who I assumed gave them the cash in trade for me. The guy never answered because as soon as I heard the car turn on I never heard it leave. Oh god. They killed the guy who was trying to help me and was planning on keeping me. I sat there numb and cried what tears I could. It was windy and cold and I couldn't move. It was dark and no one came to help me. I was stranded.


"Sailor. Wake up. Please please wake up. It's me. I'm here. Please wake up. I'm so sorry!" I felt a warm hand grab mine and squeeze tight. I also heard beeping noises coming from a monitor. The hand squeezed mine again and I tried to open my eyes. It was foggy but a head was bent over me and it was Liz. I squeezed her hand back with the strength I had and she lifted her head up.

"Oh my god. Sailor! I'm so sorry. But you're ok! I'm here! I came as soon as the hospital called!" She had tears in her eyes.

My mind was still foggy but I was thankful in that moment. Who knew just a tiny squeeze from someone holding your hand could mean so much? It let me know that not only was I getting proper care, that I was out of that stupid dungeon of a room, but I was safe. Alive.

A nurse walked in and Liz lifted her head, wiping her eyes from her tears. "She's awake."

The older lady in the nurse uniform smiled at me, turning the blood pressure machine on. It tightened but I was grateful to feel it. "Hi Sailor. I'm one of your nurses, Betty. I'm just checking your vitals. You've got some IV fluids running in you too. You've been dehydrated and with your condition we need to get your strength back." She looked at the monitor and wrote my vitals down.

She offered me a drink of water that I gladly took but took it away all too soon. "Easy there. Don't want to get your stomach upset."

I cleared my throat and thanked her. When she closed the door Liz looked at me, tears welling up again. "I'm ok Liz. Thank you so much. For everything. For being here with me."

"I'm so sorry I couldn't read between the lines in your texts sooner. I thought they were off but didn't know what was going on. I-"

"You did what you could. You saved me."

"I helped a little but don't thank me for all of it. I had no clue what was going on but you best believe I didn't leave Luke or Harry alone until the answers were found."

I sighed. "I'm sure Harry really cared and was cooperative."

"Actually it was Luke who acted like he didn't care or want to try to find you. If Harry didn't know the people he does-"

A knock interrupted and a police officer came inside. I automatically got nervous. "Hello Sailor. I'm officer Dunn. Now that your awake and alert would you mind answering a few questions for me?" I looked at Liz who moved her head to the side slightly. Indicating I needed to know what all happened before I talked to them.

"No officer I don't mind but I just woke up and my nurse Betty gave me some water so I feel like I could vomit. Would you please get her for me?" He nodded his head and stepped out.

"Wait until you hear about everything before talking to them. It's taken care of. But you need to talk to Harry and your lawyer first." She whispered.

Betty came in along with the officer behind her. She gave me some medication through my IV for my nausea. She turned to the officer and smiled. "Just gave her some phenergran. It will make her drowsy. Why don't you come back in a day or two so she's more alert officer." She was nice but stern. The officer left his card and left. I liked Betty.

"Thank you Betty. I wish I keep stuff down so I can get rehydrated."

"No problem honey. If you hurt push your call button and I can give you something for it too. Having a concussion is dangerous especially with you being malnourished and dehydrated.

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