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"Welcome Mr.Styles. Please have a seat. Would you like anything to drink? Mr.Lopez will be in shortly."

"Three bottles of water would be nice. Thank you."

Harry sat at the large conference table. I was sat beside him with Maddie on the other side. I had a planner out, prepared to take necessary notes. Maddie looked surprised at my organization, I knew she was hoping I'd screw up. I'd read over all of the information and this was the first meeting which I could some up as them presenting their real estate plans and introductions along with them kissing Harry's ass.

The secretary named Lia brought our waters in while Lopez came along with Solomon and two other men. I glanced at Maddie who had her eye on Solomon has soon as he entered but he was all business and was formal with her.

Lopez sat across from Harry and one of the men with them was setting copies out of the plans to Lopez and Harry.

"Mr.Styles thank you again for meeting with us. Solomon made a copy of the draw-out plans for the resort. We plan on making it a luxury hotel as I had told you. It will be a 12 story building with one level which will be for maintenance and housekeeping."

Harry looked over the papers while I took notes. The men continued their discussion, talking about  changes made to the plans and how it could get better. Lopez provides us with lunch and thankfully the meeting ended at 4. It wasn't so bad but so many different changes and suggestions were made and it got rather boring. I thought the notes I had taken were pretty good. Tomorrow Lopez and Harry were going golfing and having lunch. Which gave Maddie and I a free day to rest, relax and shop if we wanted to before dinner tomorrow night.

On the ride back to the hotel Maddie broke the silence. "Mr. Styles here is a copy of my notes. I know you like to debrief-"

"I'll just take your notes and read over them. Did you make us all dinner reservations tonight like I'd asked?" Harry interrupted her.

"Yes sir. Reservations are at 7 like you asked."

"Thank you Maddie."

I handed over my notes to Harry and kept quiet. Looking out the window and taking in the scenery. Tomorrow I planned to stay at the pool and beach all day. I may even get a massage. I figured Maddie would go shopping which was fine with me.

When we made it back to the hotel Maddie updated me of the time to be in the lobby and that we were eating at some nice Mexican restaurant which sounded like I would be needing to wear a dress. After going into my room I crashed on the couch and caught up on my missed texts and calls.

I then took a shower and curled my hair and decided on a light floaty white sundress. As I was finishing my makeup Harry had sent me a text asking me to come to his room. I grabbed my clutch and phone and knocked on his door. His hair was perfectly styled in a quiff and he was dressed in a shirt sleeve button down and khaki pants. I sat on his couch and he sat next to me.

"How can I help you?" I didn't know how to start off this conversation.

"I read through your notes and I wanted to let you know they are great. You had written some important things down I may have forgotten and I wanted to than you."

"You're welcome. That's why I am here."

I wondered if he had Maddie to come to his room too?

"What are your plans since you get a day off tomorrow?" Harry asked while he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Staying here and laying in the sun at the pool and beach while drinking girly drinks."

Harry laughed and I smiled. "I'm glad you plan on relaxing. This place is nice to travel to and I think you will like the bar."

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