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It was late but I figured Harry was awake considering he'd just texted me. Before I backed out I dialed the number. He answered on the second ring. When I heard his deep voice it took my breath away. It had been so long since I'd heard it I forgot just how deep his voice was. I hated that I loved it.

"You wanted me to call?" Was the only thing I could think of to say. What do you say to the person you love who you hadn't heard from since you were kidnapped? What do you say about the tabloid pictures of the vacations and other women with him? I knew we weren't exclusive but it hurt none the less.

He cleared his throat. It sounded like he was half way asleep. "I'm glad you're okay. I know I haven't reached out but fuck-" he cleared his throat. He could explain himself because I wasn't going to question why. "I know it seems like I'm an asshole and I am. I'm not denying it. But I just want you to know I've got my reasons for being distant."

"So those reasons kept you from texting me just to ask how I was? I mean what's the point of this call Harry? I'm trying to move on with my life." I couldn't help but lash out, he struck my last nerve.

He sighed and I could imagine he was running those hands through his soft hair. "I've been busy. But I'd like for us to meet. If you can't or don't want to meet at my place then I will come to you. I don't think we should have this discussion over the phone."

"Yeah it looks like you've been real busy. Vacations and women must be occupying a lot of your time. How will you ever find time to meet with me? What is there even to discuss Harry?"

"Look I know how things look. But please let me see you and we will talk. Where are you? I'll come to you and I can explain things."

What was the saying, curiosity killed the cat? I was definitely the cat because I did want to know what he had to say. Then hopefully I will have closure and can completely move forward from then. I needed the closure from him and I know I wouldn't have it unless I met with him.

"I'm currently homeless so I'm staying at my mom's until I find my apartment. You can come here tomorrow around lunch. She will be gone so we can talk then."

"Okay I'll be there."

I hung up and held my hand against my eyes. Why couldn't I get over him? I know he was my first love, hell my first everything but surely life would move on and I would get over it and him. I dreaded seeing him but prayed that I could close this door in my life.


I started the morning with two coffees which didn't help my nerves. I was nervous seeing him and I'd seen him in every way possible over the years. I opted to put minimal makeup on, casual shirt and threw my hair up in a bun. I wasn't going to try to impress him. I needed to be firm, confident and hold my ground.

A knock at the door made me jump but I knew it was him. When he stepped in he was dressed in his casual T-shirt and jeans. His hair was a bit longer but still styled how he normally had it. He looked damn good and it pissed me off.

We walked to the living room and I sat down on the couch, folding my legs under myself and turned the tv down. "So, you wanted to talk?"

He sat down on the chair across from me and was running his hands through his hair and looked me over. "Fuck it's good to see you. I'm so glad you're okay. You don't understand how worried I was and have been."

I raised an eyebrow and schooled my face from looking shocked at his words. "Really? I find that hard to believe Harry. You haven't even tried contacting me until now."

He sighed and placed his elbows on his knees. "Fuck. There's some things I need to tell you."

I waited, not interrupting him.

"At first I was pissed, I'm not going to lie. I thought you had left with Luke and when you brushed me off I believed you were with him, pretty much done with me. So I spent my time drinking, partying, working. Anything to get my mind off of you because you consumed every fucking thought I had. And then when Liz got in contact with me repeatedly I figured something wasn't adding up. So I called in a few favors to check up on you and him. To make a long story short I found out about the money he owed and who he owed it to."

"Harry what did you do? Did you pay the money?" I wasn't for sure if I wanted to know all the details he'd done.

"I found Luke. Made him admit to not seeing you, about who and how much he owed. There was no way he could ever pay that. He gave me an address and I had some of my guys take care of it. I knew when they rescued you. Knew what hospital you were at. I couldn't come around if you catch my drift. But don't think I never thought of you. I've thought of you every second for every day. I'm so fucking sorry for what you went through. I praised god you weren't raped or worse-" I seen a tear fall from his eyes that he wiped away as quick as I saw it.

"I believed you were partying it up with different girls, looking like you were having the time of your life!! You could've at least called or texted Harry! I felt so alone. Thank god for Liz! She had to keep pushing you until you believed her that something was wrong! Did you honestly believe I'd choose to be with him over you??? You should know me better than that! You've known me since we were kids in high school!"

"I know. I'm so sorry. So sorry. But I took care of it! You'll never have to worry about them again. I had to keep up appearances. I can't have this tied to me in any way. But I understand if you have to talk to the police and want to tell them-"

"I already gave my statement and told them what I went through and who I saw. I don't have to make any other statements and if I did I would never involve you. Even though I'm hurt and pissed at you, you helped save my life. It's I who was the one who was dumb enough to even hang around with them at the bar that night." I bent my head placing my hands over them.

I felt the couch shift beside me, his arms coming around me and holding me. The tears started pouring then and I couldn't hold them back. "My life is so fucked now. I lost the job that I love. Lost my apartment because I don't feel safe there. I'm living with my mother again." I sobbed.

He took all my words in until I'd cried everything out. Soon we moved to my bedroom in case my mom walked in. I swore to Harry I wouldn't tell a soul what he'd done for me, and I wouldn't tell anybody. Not even Liz who had the same suspicions as I had.

He kissed my forehead and chuckled. "Feels like we are teenagers sneaking around behind your mom.
Why don't you come over to my apartment Friday. Have dinner with me. I think I know of a job that won't require you for too much traveling unless you want to. And if you don't want to stay at my place or your moms we can look together at safer apartment complexes. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great. But I don't want your pity or to be anyone's charity Harry. What is this job you know of?"

He smiled and stood, kissing me quickly on the forehead. "This isn't out of pity or charity. I need a new office secretary and I've had applicants who will be interviewed. I will not be the interviewer, my assistants will. Just meet me at my office tomorrow and fill out and application. I need more help around there and I think you have the qualifications for the job."

He left his business card with address on my table as he exited. I knew where his office was, but maybe he was being honest and professional about it? I figured at this point I'd give it a try and turn in a resume. 

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