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"Holy shit Harry it's huge!!" He pulled up in a circular drive in front of a large White House with pillars and two fountains in front. Most of the front was the circular drive way and I was anxious to see the backyard. A six car garage attached to the left side by a covered landing and the huge glass windows took up the entrance of the house. He parked in front and opened the door which had a finger print keypad. When we walked inside the foyer had marble floors with double staircases leading to a second story. I was in awe as he showed me around.

"Three bedrooms and bathrooms on this floor and the master suite is upstairs. Pretty big master suite and bathroom with two wall in closets..." I zoned out taking in its beauty. The bathtub would've sold me on the house instantly. I followed him around each room, the kitchen with the granite counters and up to date appliances. The living room had a fireplace and was cozy. The house had a basement with a theatre room and a gym.

When he lead me out back the pool was my favorite. It was large with a hot tub and the back of the house had floor to ceiling windows as well. The yard was nice and I was scared to even think how much a house like this must've cost. But he'd sold some of his property and made money off of it so I wasn't going to even ask.

"Well what do you think? Too much? Too little? It's a good drive from the city but close enough to make the drive to work." I could tell he really like it. I just didn't understand why he'd want such a big house.

"It's amazing. Beautiful. Large but beautiful."

"It's an investment too. If it ever stops feeling like a home I'd sell it."

But that's the thing. A house can be a huge mansion or a shack but what you feel inside of it and who you share it with is what makes it an actual home.

We finished the tour and on the drive to the condo I listened to Harry talk more about the details of the house. I could tell he really liked it and wanted it so I was surprised he even wanted my opinion.

"Are you keeping the condo or selling it too?" I asked as we pulled in. I still hadn't stayed at my own place. I'd been there during the day and after work but stayed at Harry's condo during the night. Apparently seeing Jose at the restaurant worked because I hadn't gotten anymore phone calls.

"Haven't decided yet. I'd like to make it my permanent home if I buy it though."

I checked my phone and had a text from Luke asking if he could come over to my place and talk. We hadn't really had a good talk about things and I wanted to talk to him about it. When Harry was getting into the shower I told him I was running back to my place to grab some clothes.

I got some clothes together and Luke was knocking on my door. I let him in and asked if he wanted a drink and we sat awkwardly in the living room. "So you wanted to talk?" I guess I'd be the ice breaker.

"Yeah. I just wanted to apologize about everything. I shouldn't have left you in the car like that and should've texted you. Probably shouldn't have taken you with me but I just wanted to hang out. I didn't think it would've taken that long."

"I appreciate your apology. But I think we should just be friends and it isn't just over that. I don't think I'm ready for a serious relationship right now."

"You back with your ex? I'd heard you'd been hanging out with him."

"Who told you that?" Speaking of him, Harry had sent a text asking if I wanted him to get dinner or if I wanted to bring something back. I quickly replied I'd call him when I left and bring us something.

"Just heard it. I mean if it's over him you can be honest with me. I don't see why you'd want to get back with him. He fucks different girls all the time. I think you deserve better."

I wonder if Jose told him this? I didn't mention Jose or anything Harry had told me. "Not that it's any of your business but no I'm not back with him. We are friends and if I hang out with him I can. I am single."

"Then why don't you still want to hang out with me? We can be friends. We get along good and have a good time."

"I mean, we can. I've honestly been upset about this whole deal and that it's taken you this long to even apologize. I don't want to be tied down to anyone right now. I have enough as it is with my job."

"Well just let me know when. I've missed seeing you." His phone rang and he silenced it. He got up quick and said "I'll uh see you later." He let himself out.

I got some clothes and called Harry and ordered our food.


"Damn that was good fucking food. I've got a surprise for you." He pulled out a box of chocolates and pulled me into his bedroom. We laid on his bed and ate them, looking out the glass windows at the city.

"I love this view." Hardy pulled me on top of him while we looked out at the view.

He was silent and I took in the lights and cars moving. I wondered where everyone was going, how each person had their own lives. It's crazy we live in such a big world and how each person goes through their own routines and problems.

He squeezed my hip bringing me back to the present. "I like this view better." I laughed and hit him playfully in the shoulder. "I'm serious. I do. Who knew the girl I caught sneaking into my bathroom would become such a beautiful woman. Honestly I never would've thought meeting you in my hallway that I'd have a relationship with you like this in the future."

"Harry we've always been friends. I don't think that would ever change. You're pretty much the only guy I've really loved."

"Oh really now?"

"Yes. I've experienced a lot of firsts and special moments in my life with you. Someone just doesn't forget that." I bit into a chocolate.

"What would make you happy? Like what would you want that would make you feel complete?"

I turned and looked at him. "I am happy."

"For now. What would make you complete. Content. Like your happiness is fully fulfilled."

I wasn't going to waste my breath on the things I wanted because in order for that to happen he would have to want it too. I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Yes you do. A new job? A new place? Traveling? I mean what do you want?"

"I don't want to get into this right now Harry." He grabbed my hip again to keep me from moving away from him.

"Why? It isn't a big deal."

But it was. Because it broke my heart again to know he was what I wanted but couldn't give it to me. We were silent and him talking so openly had all of my attention.

"A family. Marriage. A home. That's what you want isn't it. You don't give a fuck about money or job or status. You aren't superficial and I love that about you."

I just stared at him. "Do you know that every time you were with someone else it made me sick. Like, full of jealousy and rage. Selfish I know. But I can't help it."

"Harry what do you expect from me? You don't want any of that and I don't expect you to change. You are who you are and I am who I am."

"I don't expect anything from you just like you don't expect anything from me. But I want you to be happy. You being happy makes me happy."

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