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I'm not sure how long I've been down here. But I've made tiny scratches onto a piece of chipped paint that's showing a total of seven marks. Seven days. Fuck. I've been locked down here for seven days

I took Remy's advice and did eat what I could, which wasn't very much and enough. Some days I would get foot twice. One day I didn't get anything but two bottles of water. I never knew if it was day or night because the light was always on. I sat there on that mattress and tried to plan a way out with no hope. I wondered if Liz had called the police or even Harry.

I had my hopes set on Harry and Liz because obviously Luke wasn't paying these men shit and didn't care I was held captive as payment. I thought a lot about my life, because they way it was looking was like a dooming end. If no one was going to get me Remy reminded me the "boss" could use me to earn back the money Luke owed plus some. I'd rather die than do that.

As I was deep in my thoughts Remy made his appearance and had my phone in his hands. I barely looked up, weak from the stress, malnutrition and activity being stranded in a small room. I didn't say anything and looked at my phone like I'd kill for it. At this point I probably would if I could.

"I've texted your friends and they're starting to realize it isn't you. So you need to text these people back and say exactly what I tell you. If you do not then no food for 3 days, understood?"

I barely nodded my head when I grabbed for it. He reached back before I could get it and gave me a serious look. "I will typing what you say. I don't trust you so I am telling you to be cautious. If I find out you tell them an inside then I have permission to handle you."

I nodded and he read the texts from Liz first. "Girl where are you? Tell me you didn't leave with Luke! Call me back! Why haven't you texted me? You're acting weird. Is something wrong? I'm coming over right now if you don't text me back!"

He looked up and said. "I told her simple answers but girls not giving up. So you tell me what to tell her so she will chill the fuck out. If not I'd hate to have to handle her too." I got goosebumps and cleared my dry throat.

"Tell her I've not been feeling well. Luke and I are fighting and that I got into it with Harry so I really need alone time right now. I'll call her in a day or two if I'm not feeling better."

He looked at me skeptically but texted it. I knew Liz would know I was lying. But she'd know I was trying to tell her some kind of message.

Then he read texts from Harry. "What the fuck? Why did you not go with my driver? Ignoring me now? Are you with that prick again? Why did I even waste my goddamn time? Where the fuck are you? Call me back. I fucking mean it. Fine, ignore me. I'll be out of the country for a few weeks so have fun with that dumbass. Don't call me if you need me this time."

Tears formed at my eyes hearing those because I knew he sort of believed I may have been with Luke and ignoring him. I mean I did go out to the bar with him but just as friends. Usually Harry doesn't give up but maybe he had enough. Maybe me not being able to talk to him pushed me away and he doesn't care.

I sighed and wiped my eyes. "So what do you say back? Haven't handled him yet." Remy chewed loudly on a piece of gum that was starting to annoy me.

"It doesn't matter now. He's pissed. Thinks I'm with Luke so he won't be a bother. He's probably out with another few women and angry at me taking pleasure from them related to his anger towards me. He won't call anymore." I silently cried.

Remy didn't say anything else but I had a question for him. "What about Luke?"

He stood and laughed. "What about him?"

"Does he know where I am? That you all have me because of him? Has he even texted me?"

Remy shook his head and laughed. "Pity you. Luke hasn't asked. He did send a text saying what's up but that was it. No concerns or questions. Dude is kind of a dumbass really." He stepped out laughing while I fell apart inside.

Liz would be my only hope and I prayed she got some sort of message out of my short replies. She knows I text detail about things if I can't talk. Because she always asks them and I tell her everything.


Ten days. I've been here ten days and I finally, finally get to take a shower. I know I stink but I'm so weak I don't know how I can even stand. Remy blindfolded me and walked me around down here to the shower. I didn't want to take one in front of him, but it was either him or another guy so at least I knew Remy wouldn't try to rape me.

It was the quickest and coldest shower I'd ever had. I had on a big T-shirt and thin cotton pants and was led back to my room. I smelled something warm and when he took the blind fold off there was soup. I knew I had to eat it slow or I'd throw it up. I bet I've lost 13 pounds since I've been here.

He sat down with my phone again while I ate. "Ya Girl is still texting. I'll cut you a deal. You call her and tell her a story and make it believable then I will make sure you eat the next 3 nights. Deal?"

I shrugged because I didn't want to starve anymore. Remy dialed the number on speaker and Liz immediately answered.

"What the fuck!! Where have you been? I went to your house, the condo, everywhere!"

"I'm sorry Liz. I've not been feeling well. That night at the bar I drank too much and I think I've had a virus. Haven't eaten, hardly slept, so uncomfortable. I didn't intentionally mean to ignore you I promise." Please let her read between the lines.

"Well why aren't you home then? And Harry is out on a yacht with a party of people and girls. What is going on?!"

"I don't know. I haven't talked to him either. We kind of got into it and I guess he's pissed. Thinks I am with Luke but I'm not. He doesn't get it that we just hung out at that bar as friends but you know how he gets."

"Well I'm coming to see you in a few days-"

Remy gave me a stern look as to get that off of her mind

"No. No. I'm fine. I'll keep in touch with you when I feel better ok? I'm sorry don't be mad. I just need to be alone right now."

"Ok. I love you."

Remy ended the call before I could tell her goodbye. A big fail on his part because she knows I wouldn't just hang up but I didn't say anything else.

"Well boss says Luke has 30 days to pay up. You better hope the boy comes though."

I was shut inside my prison again and cried this time. Cried because Luke obviously didn't have the money, Harry thought I was with Luke and was pissed so I doubt he thought anything was up. I didn't want to repay a debt at all.

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