Chapter One

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I got out the elevator and was immediately in the lobby of the hotel.

I adjusted my suit and tie while walking out.

"Good evening Mr Carter,"the head receptionist Nola greeted me.

"Good evening Nola,"I smiled at her. As I got into the revolving doors I was met by a beautiful woman I hadn't seen in over ten years.

As our eyes met it was like time slowed. There was no way I could go without speaking to her.

I went back into the hotel and followed quickly behind her.

"Beyoncé!"I called her name. She turned around allowing her soft gold curls to bounce on her shoulders.

"Jay? I can't believe it,"we hugged and I inhaled her sweet, fruity scent.

"Same here. It's been what, ten years?"

"You're damn right,"she spoke in her thick southern accent making us laugh.

"So what are you doing here?"

"Starting work so I thought I'd just stay here until the house is ready,"she shrugged.

"Well why don't you come to my suite and have a drink? Don't worry, we won't charge you,"I offered. She raised an eyebrow putting her hand on her hip.

"Your suite? Why?"she squinted her eyes.

"For old time's sake,"I licked my lips. "Don't act as if we weren't good back in the day. We were real close,"I smirked. She thought about it for a minute or two before breaking a little smirk.

"Just one,"she assured heading towards the elevator. I chuckled following close behind her. I pressed my special key card on the scanner and the elevator immediately started moving. The tension was thick as we stood on opposite sides of the elevator. It was no surprise that she was dressed to perfection.

I watched her look me up and down as her lips slowly parted a bit

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I watched her look me up and down as her lips slowly parted a bit. I knew she still had feelings for me, or at least a sexual attraction.

The ride to the top came to a halt as we reached my private floor. I grabbed her hand and led her to my grand bedroom.

"Nice interior design. It's way better than the other hotel rooms,"she complimented looking around.

"Well I do own the hotel,"she looked at me with wide eyes.

"You own what? This whole hotel? As in, all of it?"she clarified and I chuckled taking my suit jacket off and loosening my tie along with my shoes.

"You don't believe me?"

"I'm just shocked. You've come a really long way then,"she put her bag down and took her shoes off in the corner. I creeped up behind her and took her jacket off.

"I'm only here for one drink Jay,"she tilted her head back as I placed soft kisses on her neck and pushed my front against her back.

"Just one?"I mumbled against her skin making her moan. She turned around and placed a kiss on my lips. I slid my tongue in picking her up. Bey tightened her legs around my waist and snaked her arms around my neck. I carried us to the bed and threw her onto it. She had a cheeky grin on her face as I crawled on top of her.

Once we ripped our clothes off I traced my tongue to her pussy but she stopped me.

"Just fuck me,"she moaned.

"Impatient ass,"I chuckled before positioning my dick. I slipped myself in and a moan escaped from her mouth. "You always been tight,"I grunted as I fucked her. I gripped her waist picking up the speed and smashing into her.

"Fuck,"she arched her back gripping the bedsheets.

"You like this?"I pounded into her. She wriggled and squirmed as her juices already started flowing.

"Yes daddy,"she moaned. I grabbed her hands and held them above her head as I kissed her lips.

"Shit Beyoncé,"I groaned. She wrapped her legs around me letting her moans fill the room.

"Slow down daddy,"she whined.

"No,"I continued at the same pace until I came. She flipped over making her be on top. "Ride this shit girl,"I slapped her ass. She smirked before getting to work.

I watched Bey whine and ride my dick. She knew what she was doing and I was enjoying the view from below her.

"Damn,"I bit my lip. She pressed her hands down on my chest and flipped her hair- the sexiest shit I've seen in forever. She started to bounce and I gripped her fat ass.

"Fuck,"she moaned.

After a few more rounds we finally stopped; it was about 11pm.

"Here,"I brought her a drink of Dussé and laid in bed next to her with mine in my hand.

"Cheers to old times,"we clinked our glasses before sipping.

"So how've you been? I mean, it's been ten years and I've heard from almost everybody from high school but you,"I asked her and she shrugged.

"Well I finished college and I've got my degree in business. I moved to LA because I didn't want to stay in Texas forever. How come you in New York now? You miss home?"

"Something like that. When I got out I felt the need to come back to New York and leave Texas. Never liked y'all food anyway,"she gasped playfully hitting my chest.

"Shut the fuck up Jay. You know you love our good ole southern food. Beats New York pizza any day,"she giggled.

"Don't lie. Y'all accents annoyed me too. Always sounding like some damn cowboys,"I played.

"Boy you love my accent,"she rolled her eyes.

"Especially when you calling me 'daddy',"She perked her lips looking away.

"The confident, Brooklyn bad boy who never stayed out the parents hated me with you,"she shook her head smiling.

"But it never stopped us. We were good,"I gazed at her.

"Too good to be true,"her hazel eyes glistened. "It was like the world was out to stop us and it did. You got locked up and I couldn't wait for you when I had college in LA,"she looked down.

"And I'm glad you didn't wait for me,"I lifted her head. "You've got your degree and I made a name for myself. We're both doing well and if the world was really out to stop us then we wouldn't be here sipping on Dussé after hours of sex,"I wiggled my eyebrows making her laugh.

"Ten years later and your dick still does its magic,"she shook her head slipping her hand to my dick as she took a sip of her alcohol.

"Girl don't make me hurt you,"I played and she laughed.

Author's Notes:
So I'm back with another book🤪 it's been a while but I've been working on a few ideas

1)What do you think is gna happen?

2)If you met your ex after a few years, how would you react?

Cheers to Life, Love & Blessings🍾


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