Chapter Fourty

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Less than two weeks passed and it was mine and Shaq's birthday. This was going to be his biggest birthday because this was the first birthday we were spending together. I didn't even care about my birthday because the most important person for me was my little man.

The door burst open and Shaq came in at full speed like a tornado.

"IT'S OUR BIRTHDAY!!!"he screamed jumping on top of me and I laughed.

"Happy birthday little man,"I hugged him.

"Happy birthday big man,"he grinned. "I'm the birthday prince and you're the birthday king,"he beamed and I chuckled.

"We are aren't we? Have you eaten?"I asked him. I didn't bother to ask if Bey had called because Shaq and I stayed up until midnight and Bey called him as well.

"I haven't but Ma's in the kitchen making us breakfast in bed."

"Your mom?"I frowned. It was a surprise to hear that because I thought she wanted to 'keep distance' between us. I thought of all people it'd be Eva but I was complaining.

"She got here like twenty minutes ago, she's almost done,"he confirmed and I nodded.

"Have you freshened up?"he nodded.

"Alright. Give me a few minutes to do the same, little man and get your birthday outfit ready,"I instructed him. He listened and ran out the room giving me some time to freshen myself up. By the time I came back out Bey was walking in with a tray.

"Here, let me help you,"I tried to take it from her.

"It's alright, I got this. You just sit down,"I saw that Shaq's tray was on the other side of my bed on the bedside table so I sat in bed and took it from her. "Happy birthday,"she smiled.

"Thanks baby,"it slipped out and she raised her eyebrows. "What's this for?"

"I feel like I owe it to you two. I don't want to keep going back on this but it's my fault that you two haven't spent a single birthday together so I owe it to both of you to do whatever I can to make sure y'all enjoy your day together,"she explained herself and I knew she was genuine.

"Well thank you,"I smiled. "Shaquille! Your food's gonna get cold!"I yelled so he could hear me. We were in my hotel suite because I wanted it to be just me and my boy without any interruptions but of course Bey is his mother.

"Thanks mom,"he kissed her cheek as he walked in.

"My baby's 10,"she bit her lip trying not to cry. "Why couldn't you stay small forever?"

"Because that would be plain weird,"we
laughed with Shaq. "What's the plans for today because I need some time to get myself fly for my party?"Shaq brushed his shoulder.

"Fly is in your genes little man. You ain't seen your momma and your daddy?"I asked him and he laughed.

"The hall downstairs is being set up as we speak so that's less stress on us. At 3pm you can start getting ready Shaq because the party starts at 4pm. After that, you just enjoy your birthday baby,"Bey explained to him.

"What about your birthday dad?"he looked at me as we ate.

"Your birthday's more important son. You need to get your trim and your mom and I need to make sure that everything's that's been booked is going to come on time,"I told him.

"Can we still play NBA though?"

"What kinda question is that?"I gasped holding my chest and he laughed.

"I'll leave you boys to it,"Bey stood up.

"Stay. Did you have some breakfast?"she nodded at me.

"I need to go make sure that everything is going okay though. If I see a napkin out of place somebody getting fired,"she strutted out and Shaq and I chuckled at how dramatic she was.

Once we finished up we got ourselves into the bathrooms, got ready and waited for my barber to arrive. Eva walked in using her key and smiled with her arms out.

"Happy birthday, birthday twins! Big 29 and big 10!"she hugged Shaq and gave me a kiss. "Have y'all eaten? I brought some breakfast,"she held up the paper bags.

"Ma already made us breakfast,"Shaq looked up from the game.

"Your mom? She...was here?"

"She felt as if she owed it to us after me and Shaq missing so many birthdays so she made us breakfast. Thanks for the offer though,"I kissed her cheek.

"We'll have more birthdays to come after tomorrow. What did you want to tell me yesterday? It sounded important before my mom came in,"she questioned, referring to when I wanted to break it off with her. I was honestly trying but there was so much privacy I could get around her family.

"Uh I just wanted to tell you about the plans for today so you're aware,"I lied. I couldn't tell her now on our birthday when it was Shaq's party and Shaq was right next to me.

"I've seen downstairs and it looks good already. You and Beyoncé really pulled out all the stops. Y'all didn't stop on anything,"she giggled.

"Only the best for Shaq,"I rubbed his curls.

"Are you sure you don't want to do anything for your birthday though? You don't even want a gift Shawn,"Eva repeated for the 500th time.

"I'm positive Eva. Birthdays to come aren't going to be like this forever but Shaq's 10 today. The only birthday gift I want is for him to be happy on his birthday,"Shaq smiled and laid his head on my chest.

"You should've celebrated your birthday with a bachelor party. The wedding's in a few days,"she reminded me and I sighed. The day came faster than I thought and I was anticipating it. I couldn't break her heart hours before we were meant to get married, but I didn't want to be with her anymore, and today was a no-go because it was all about my son. I didn't want to lose Bey but I was sinking and Lord knows my ass can't swim.

"I wasn't feeling it,"I shrugged.

"So what have you got for your birthday so far Shaquille?"she changed the subject.

"Clothes, sneakers, money and games,"he grinned.

"Of course,"Eva giggled. "I'll give you your birthday present later anyway."

Eva got up and grabbed her bag.

"I've got to head over to the club but I'll be back downstairs at 3pm. Do you need me to get anything while I'm out?"she offered.

"Nah everything's under control,"she leaned down and pecked my lips.

"Bye birthday twins! I'll see y'all later,"she waved at us.

"Bye Eva,"Shaq responded.

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