Chapter Thirty Seven

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At last it was finally thanksgiving and I couldn't wait for the whole day's plan. Of course Mama and Mama Gloria decided to host this year's thanksgiving together as that was the routine when Jay and I were in high school, and I was looking forward to a throwback thanksgiving until the Culhanes decided that they would join their thanksgiving and our thanksgiving together so it was about to be a whole lot of drama. I was trying to push past my affair with Jay but he was consistently trying to spark it up again. Of course I didn't want to break things off but after he didn't want a child I couldn't now spring another one onto him. He didn't even say that he wasn't ready- he didn't want one. Besides, we would have to end the affair eventually because we couldn't go on forever ducking and diving. What I told him was literally the first thing that came to mind but now I had to keep to it.

Thanksgiving was being held at Jay's house because it was the biggest. I wasn't even planning on staying too long because tomorrow was the launch party of my line and I couldn't afford to be tired or wrecked from today.

"Shaquille! Let's go!"I called out into the house. We were meant to be at Jay's house ten minutes ago but I had to get ready and my symptoms made me take longer. I was having less morning sickness but I was hornier by the second and me pushing Jay away didn't help my problem. Without makeup you could see my veins more but that was why I was being more precise in hiding them. I was getting onto my second trimester so my belly was visible but I had my mystery ways of hiding it.

Shaq came from the garden and we left the house going to the garage to hop into my car.

"You look pretty mom,"I heard him say.

"You look pretty mom,"I heard him say

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"Thank you baby. And you look like the handsome young man you are,"I smiled at him.

Within minutes we were on the road and I took a look at my baby as he listened to his music through his black Beats. His birthday was in less than two weeks and we were having a huge party for him. All of Jay's family were coming of course because this was their first birthday with Shaq and Jay was pulling out all the stops for him. I wasn't even sure if he remembered that his birthday was on the same day or his wedding was the day after because he was focused on making Shaq's birthday known by the world.

"Shaq baby,"I caught his attention. I needed to tell him about my pregnancy; I couldn't let him suffer as a result of what his father and I were going through. He'd already been through that and I couldn't do it to him again. He needed to prepare for his future sibling but Jay needed to prepare for his future child. I was just split on telling him soon or later. I needed to do it before the wedding but I was just scared. There was one thing about this pregnancy that I hadn't told anyone about and it was eating me alive.

"Ma'am?"he took his headphones off.

"I need to tell you something,"I turned the radio down so my voice could be heard more. "How would you feel about a little brother or sister?"we pulled up to Jay's house where cars upon cars were parked but we didn't get out just yet.

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