Chapter Eight

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I sat on her comfy, leather L-couch as she handed me a drink. She sat beside me circling the rim of her glass with her finger. We'd left the hotel room to give Kelly her space to settle down and relax and we didn't want Shaq to hear us so we ended up at her house.

"When's his birthday?"I asked.

"Yours,"she finally looked up from her drink. I raised my eyebrows shaking my head.

"At least I've got a birthday twin now...after ten years,"I muttered the last part.

"I gave him your initials because I didn't know if I was going to see you again. SCC,"she lightly smiled.

"Is that meant to make me feel better?"I frowned. "How long were you going to keep this from me? Until I bumped into him at Target? Beyoncé, he is a photocopy of me, a replica. Ain't no damn way anyone can walk down the street and not know he's mine. I gave you the opportunity this morning and you lied!"I gritted my teeth.

"Well I gave you the same opportunity and you lied about Eva,"she defended.

"I can't believe you're comparing the two,"I chuckled shaking my head. "Eva and Shaq are two different situations. Whether you know about Eva or not you have no ties, relations or connections to her other than the club. That boy is my blood,"I kissed my teeth.

"I was scared. I was going to tell you after the graduation ceremony but then you got arrested."

"They have fucking cell phones in jail, Bey. Or better yet, come and visit!"

"I didn't have time to visit. I was three months pregnant and already packing for LA. We were meant to go together but you were too stupid and ended up four years in jail. I warned you about that shit but you didn't listen-"

"So that first four years is my fault and I've held my hands up for that but they do let people out of jail for occasions. I could've come to the birth Bey and that would've changed my whole life around instantly. You already knew how long I was spending before you flew to LA so why didn't you at least try and get in contact with me after?"

"I wasn't ready,"she mumbled.

"You had ten years baby,"I slowly nodded. "I looked for you Bey. I spent a whole year asking and asking but nobody knew where you were because you cut ties with everyone from school and your family hated me. He's my son, Bey, my first child, and I missed out on everything,"my voice lowered.

There was a moment of silence before she put her glass down on the table.

"I hate myself,"she broke down. No matter what I hated seeing Bey like this so I put my glass down and brought her closer to me.

"Don't Bey. We were young. You were young. I should've listened more and then I wouldn't have wounded up in jail for four long years. You were a pregnant girl who just finished high school and I wasn't there to support you. I acted as if the streets was my only call while you went through pregnancy struggles and then struggles raising a kid while in college. I know the only help you had was Kelly because your family never wanted us to be together let alone have a child. I fucked up our relationship but I thought that our friendship was just as strong and you would come to me about anything,"I expressed how I felt. Before Bey and I started dating we were best friends because I didn't have anyone in Texas.

"You are right about what you said before about us not being able to gainthose ten years back but we can start now. How are we going work this one out?"she asked me.

"I can have him on the weekends. Which school he gonna be attending?"

"Trinity High School,"she answered.

"Well I'm going to be paying for half his tuition. He's my son too and I'm not going to let you pay for everything,"I knew she was smiling at that but I was serious. I wanted to be in his life as much as possible.

"I want us to have dinner a few times a week,"she blurted out.

"What?"I frowned in confusion.

"Shaq's never had a household with both his parents in and I know we're not going to live with each other but I want to him to have that experience of at least sitting down with his family. In fact, never mind-"

"I like that Bey. The only problem do we break it down to everyone that we have a child and how do we tell Eva and Elijah that both of us will be spending less time at the club?"she blew her breath because we both knew I was right.

"Forgot about her,"she mumbled and I chuckled. "We're gonna have to tell her together Jay. I feel like we owe her that much because we haven't even told her about our relationship, we're cheating and she invited me to y'all wedding,"Bey reasoned.

"Shit is fucked up right now,"I shook my head.

"Damn right,"she agreed.

"We'll talk more but I've gotta get back home. Eva's gonna be wondering why I'm not home yet,"I unwrapped my arm around Bey and stood up. The last time Eva and I saw each other was yesterday evening and now it was early afternoon,

"I know,"she sulked standing up too. I debated on asking her about where we stood but was that really a question? I knew having a son would bring us even closer but he's our biggest priority now, not secretly meeting each other.

"I'll let the receptionist know that I've given you access to my suite because Shaq is still there,"I informed her as we walked to the door.

"Alright,"she nodded her head opening it. "I'm sorry for keeping him away from you Jay,"she apologised again.

"I'm sorry for putting you in that position,"we hugged. "See you tomorrow Bey. I'll text you when we're gonna tell Eva,"I opened the door and walked to my car. I got in and drove back home to Eva.

As soon as I got in Eva came downstairs with all guns blazing.

"Shawn what the fuck?! Why are you home so late?!"she screamed.

"It's the afternoon,"I smacked my lips jogging up the stairs. "Why you tripping anyway? I text you didn't I?"

"And I said I understand,"she followed me hot on my heels. "But what I don't understand is why I didn't meet you at home,"she folded her arms.

"I was at the hotel,"I shrugged taking my shoes off. I really wasn't in the mood for Eva's antics.

"This is your home Shawn, not the hotel. Why weren't you home earlier then?"

"I didn't want to risk seeing your family here. They're so damn smothering it gets too much."

"You're marrying into my family just as much as me marrying into yours. You're gonna have to get used to all their smothering real quick because in a matter of months we're going to be husband and wife,"she came up in my face.

"Eva leave me alone. I'm tired and I'm not in the mood. I'm not getting used to shit,"I rolled my eyes. She stood there in silence, annoyed at me until she realised I wasn't playing with her and stormed off.

I knew I had to tell Eva at some point but I was being suffocated by her entire family and I needed some space from them. I did feel bad about leaving her at our engagement party to cheat with Beyoncé but in the same breath I couldn't keep away from her. There was a magnet between us and I didn't want to lie to myself. It was crazy how different my life had become in the course of a few weeks only because Beyoncé had returned.

Author's Notes:

Two for the dayyyyy🤩

1)anybody surprised Beyoncé's secret was their baby?

2)anybody surprised? Blame her for anything?

3)will Eva be happy about Shaquille and take him in?

Cheers to Love, Life & Blessings🥂


Yeahhh my name got a little too long😅😂

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