Chapter Twenty Six

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Shaq, Tyrone, Genesis and North took off in Sky Zone as TyTy, Swizz, Ye, Bleek and I slowly strolled in and took a nearby seat. We decided to take the kids for a day out because it'd been a long time since they'd all got together. Bleek didn't have any kids yet but there was always a possibility that he'd have one in the near future.

"So what's up with the club Jay? Is it getting shut down for good?"Ye questioned.

"I'm not sure. Deano's still changing his statement but when he finishes I think I'll be able to reopen. I've got an interview coming up so I'll be able to clear things,"i confirmed. North came running over to us with her curls flying behind her.

"Daddy! Uncles! Did you see me doing my handstand?!"she jumped up and down on the spot.

"Baby it was wonderful, go do it again,"Kanye encouraged her despite knowing he didn't watch making us laugh. "Imma have to sign her up to some gymnastics,"he blew his breath.

"I got something to tell y'all,"TyTy rubbed his hands on his thighs.

"What is it? You going to prison too?"Swizz asked and I smacked my teeth at him.

"Nah man, Shayla's pregnant,"he revealed and we dapped him up congratulating him.

"How far along is she?"I questioned.

"Three months along. Yo I didn't even notice she was pregnant. After a night at the club she came out of the dark and threw her pissy stick at me,"he kissed his teeth and we laughed.

"Baby number five,"I joked and we laughed again.

"Your dick long enough to make five babies?"Bleek questioned with a grin and we bursted out laughing again.

"You're one to talk Bleek. You gonna grow old with cats and a stamp collection. Lonely ass nigga,"TyTy clapped back laughing.

"You ever gonna wife Keisha? Or even have a kid with her?"Kanye raised his eyebrows.

"Not right now. I mean, we strap up,"Bleek shrugged blowing his breath.

"So what if she's pregnant right now? Like, y'all forgot? What you gonna do now?"

"Take care of what's mines but I ain't ready to be a father,"he shrugged. "Aye Jay, is Bey pregnant?"he turned to me.

"What makes you say that?"I frowned.

"I saw her with her friend yesterday. I peeped her belly and it looked pregnant. Oh, and her and her friend walked into a baby shop and were touching her belly and everything,"he informed me.

"Where was this?"I questioned.

"Oh this was wayyy outside Brooklyn. This was in like Queens, I was out there visiting my cousin and I just saw them two,"I nodded with a frown. I hadn't heard anything from Bey and we weren't on speaking terms, but I deserved to know if she was carrying my child especially considering the fact that we had sex almost every day.

"Bruh, you didn't know anything?"Kanye asked and I shook my head.

"We're not speaking right now. The only thing that's keeping us together is Shaq. I'll talk to her though,"I assured myself.

"If she's pregnant, what are you gonna do about Eva?"Bleek leaned in.

"I don't know. It'll break her,"I sipped my Fanta.

"She's head over heels for you, though. You know she'll stay with you Jay. She'll take a bullet for you,"TyTy scoffed shaking his head and sipping his own soda.

"Your life fucked up right now. Baby mama pregnant, fiancée tryna get pregnant, business on the line- shit! Make a reality show with Kanye's girl!"Swizz made us laugh.

We made more conversation until the kids were ready to leave. We got our stuff and said our goodbyes before going our separate ways. Shaq and I hopped into my BMW as I took us to my place.

"You enjoy yourself son?"I quickly glanced at him and he nodded.

"Yeah, thanks dad."

"No problem man,"I rubbed his head. "Shaq, you seen anything different about your mom? Is she...eating different, dressing different, does she look different?"I picked his brain on it because he was with her most of the week. If Bey was pregnant then there'd have to be serious changes to our lives and priority.

"Well she's eating a lot but that's because she's always busy in the morning so doesn't have breakfast. Other than that, she looks the same to me,"he shrugged. I didn't want to push Shaq too much because he probably wouldn't be able to tell with how secretive Bey could be when she wanted.

"Dad, what clubs were y'all in during high school?"Shaq looked up from his phone.

"I was on basketball, baseball and track. Your ma was on track, cheerleading, dance and debate. That's why she can argue so damn much,"we laughed. I really missed her but I had to let whatever we had go because it wasn't going to work. She boldly and blatantly declared that I meant nothing to her and it was just something to pass time. When did things get so bad between us? I would've put all my life savings on us still being together ten years ago but now look at us; it's crazy.

"That's funny; I'm trying out for the basketball team but I'm already on track and debate,"he responded.

"At least we know you've got your mama's mouth then,"I joked and we laughed.

"What's happening with you, mom and Eva? Is there still a wedding? Are you and Ma arguing again?"it broke my heart when my son asked me those two questions. The fact that he was so confused meant Bey and I weren't doing a good job and we hadn't put Shaq's needs as a priority, and the fact that he said 'again' meant he'd heard us argue before and our arguments always went from 0 to 100.

I didn't know for myself, so I didn't understand how Shaq would even make sense out of the whole situation. Bey and I needed to sit down with him and explain to him because I couldn't have my boy not know where he stood.

"Don't worry boy. Your mom and I will discuss it with you at a different time,"I assured him.

Author's Notes:

Sorry for the late late update🤭🙈

1)What do you think Jay is going to do now?

2)When do you think Beyoncé will tell him? Or will she?

Cheers to Love, Life and Blessings🍾


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