Chapter Ten

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It'd been a few days and Eva still knew nothing. I had mixed feelings about this because I didn't want to hurt Eva after she'd been there for me for years but the family I'd always wanted with Bey I had and I couldn't be more excited.

Today was Thursday and I was having dinner with Shaq, Bey and Kelly at my hotel suite. Bey and Kelly decided to cook while Shaq and I had some boys' time.

"You excited for your new school and academic year?"I asked him as we played Fortnite.

"A bit...I don't wanna go to a private school though. They never ratchet like how I like it,"he whined making me chuckle. "What was yours like?"

"Ratchet,"we laughed. "But you're going to a private school for a reason. Anybody can go to a public school but we've paid money for this one so you get the best education possible. Ain't no way my child finna be spending near 18 years in education and not get something out of it,"I sternly promised. "Your mom and I are taking you school shopping on Saturday so get ready for that too."

"What about my trim?"

"Nobody but the best for you,"I smiled.

"When can I meet your family?"

"We're thinking of Sunday because you're going back to school next Wednesday. They loved your mom so they'll love you,"I knew that for a fact. Ma was always fond of Bey and my younger brother Shay had a crush on her when he was five so they'd be more than happy to welcome her back with my son.

"Dinner's ready!"we heard Bey yell just as the game got better. We smacked our lips before pausing it and going to the dining room after washing our hands.

"This looks yummy Ma!"Shaq clapped his hands licking his lips.

"'Ma'? So you're catching on to your dad's New York lingo huh?"Bey smiled. The table was filled with Louisiana soul food I hadn't eaten in forever.

"Shaq say grace,"Kelly told him as well all held hands.

"Thank you for the food we eat Lord and for the people that made it. May it nourish our bodies and bless those who aren't fortunate eat this delicious glazed chicken...the cheesy mac and cheese-"

"You forgot the biscuits little man,"I interrupted. I opened my eyes and Shaq and I smirked at each other.

"Shawn Corey Carter and Shaquille Corey Carter,"Bey shot her eyes open glaring at us.

"Those names sound good together,"Kelly pondered.

"Uh amen,"Shaq quickly finished before we dug in.

"So Kelly what are you up to?"I asked. I hadn't caught up with her in a while and she was part of our crew in high school.

"She's got a mannn,"Bey sung making Shaq laugh.

"Who is he?"I questioned.

"His name is Tim, he's an engineer and he's 30 so he's ripe but not too ripe,"she described him making us laugh.

"When do I get to interrogate him?"I chewed on my chicken.

"You don't because you will scare my man off. Things are going so well with him,"she looked at her food shyly.

"Kelly got a man! Kelly got a man! Kelly got a man!"Bey and I sung dancing at the table.

"Stawp y'all! Don't make me get to blushing,"she held her cheeks. "Change of topic. You ready for school next week?"she asked Shaq.

"Yup. Dad's taking me to his barber,"he grinned.

We finished dinner together before Bey and I made our way to the club to check in on it. I wasn't sure if either Elijah or Eva were there because I hadn't spoken to them in two or three days. I'd been really stand off-ish and distant with Eva and honestly I didn't mean to but now I was focusing on Bey and Shaq and I wanted to spend all my time with my son.

Now we were on the balcony at the VIP section looking down at the dance floor. Things were looking good and there didn't seem to be any trouble downstairs.

"Bey!"I yelled over Break Ya Back. She turned to me and I gestured to her office. We walked in and I closed the door.

"What?"she sat in her chair and I sat on her desk.

"I'm thinking of telling Ma and the rest of my family about Shaq but I want you to be there with me. You know Ma still talks about you after all these years,"I broke a smile and Bey looked down smiling.

"She was so good to me back then. When are you thinking?"she looked back up.

"Sunday so they can get to know each other and shit and have dinner with her."

"And Eva?"she raised her eyebrows crossing her legs. I sighed.

"I don't know when to tell her Bey. I keep on putting off having a child with her and here I am with a son of my own with you,"I palmed my face. This was stressing me the fuck out and I didn't know what to do about Eva.

"Jay whether you love her or not you have to tell her out of respect. It's not fair to keep something so big from her when she's flaunting you to everyone as her fiancé. Just tell her and save her the embarrassment of finding out from someone else,"she shrugged.

"Imma have to tell her tomorrow and she can make up her mind about being with me,"I decided.

"You love her?"Bey asked after a moment of silence.

"Well yeah,"I shrugged. I loved her but I didn't know if I was in love with her. Bey being back just made me question who I wanted to be with.

"She definitely loves you so I guess y'all will have nothing to worry about,"she faintly smiled.

"Have you spoken to her?"I questioned.

"Just tell her to stop telling everyone about y'all business. I don't wanna hear about all that,"she rolled her eyes.

"I still love you though. I'm in love with you Bey. Everything's just fucked up at the minute,"I admitted. She chuckled shaking her head and rubbing her temple.

"And I'm in love with you because we were each other's first love and shit. High school sweethearts can only be two people and nobody can replace what we had. Obviously meeting again sparked our old feelings but that's all we're feeling. Let's not complicate things for the sake of Shaquille and others around us,"my heart sunk. Us trying to work something out between us would complicate things but if we weren't meant to be doing that then why would we be back here again?

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