Chapter Fifteen

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We laughed as Shaq beat Ye at another game of NBA.

"Man what is this? How am I getting beat by a 9 year old?"he grumbled throwing the controller down. The guys and I were in my house and I brought Shaq so they could meet him. Shaq already felt like he was a part of the group, laughing at whatever we laughed at. The next step was for all our kids to get together because whether they knew each other or not, they're cousins. (S/N:everyone has those cousins that aren't their cousins but technically are😂)

"When are you turning 10, Shaq? It's December isn't it?"TyTy checked.

"December 4th. I can't wait,"he grinned.

"What you wanna do for your birthday lil man?"I asked him.

"Ummm...I want a party,"he pondered.

"Well your mom and I will sort it all out. It's in three months and and I know you just started so we'll give you time to make friends and make an invitation list,"I decided on.

"But what about Ma's birthday? It's tomorrow,"he reminded me.

"SHIT!"I bursted out with. With everything that was going on I forgot that Bey's birthday was round the corner. She didn't even mention doing anything which was unusual because she always celebrated her birthday in style. I couldn't believe I'd forgotten her actual birthday!

"I'll be back. I need to make a phone call,"I picked up my phone and walked to my office to FaceTime Bey.

She picked up on the third ring with a smile.

"Hey baby daddy,"she stuck her tongue out and I chuckled.

"Wassup baby mama,"I grinned.

"How's my baby doing? He ain't around the flat faced hoe is he?"she raised an eyebrow.

"Her name is Eva and she's not here. I told you you don't have to worry. We're trying to sort things out,"I smiled.

"Yeah whatever. I meant it when I said she's not coming around my child, and especially after what she called him the other day, imma whoop her skinny ass if she even breathes within a metre of Shaquille. By the time I'm done she won't be able to walk down no motherfucking aisle. I can't even believe you're still with her after what she said about our baby. I laughed because Bey really hadn't changed. She was always ready to fight and Kelly was always ready to jump in.

"Well guess whose birthday is tomorrow?"she rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Baby daddy, I don't wanna do anything for my birthday. I'm not really in the mood for celebrating,"I dramatically gasped and clutches my pearls.

"Baby mama, you always celebrate your birthday. You celebrate the WHOLE WEEK of your birthday with about seven different activities for each day,"I reminded her and she shrugged. "What about if we just do something lowkey? You said Kelly's man is in town, right?"she nodded. "Then me, you and Shaq can do something small. Just us three and a birthday cake,"I suggested.

"Jay I don't even want a birthday cake. This whole year has been stressful for me and I just want to get through the day. Whenever we try to do something, something always gets in the way and I don't want to celebrate my birthday and something happens like your ugly fiancée showing up looking batshit crazy,"she rolled her eyes.

"Bullshit. I'll show you that tomorrow can just flow as smoothly as possible. Me and Shaq will plan your birthday,"she gave a light smile.

"We'll see. Well I got to go, my man is here,"she winked.

"Lol you tried it. I'll drop Shaq off later once we finish planning,"she smiled shaking her head.

"Bye baby daddy,"she blew me a kiss.

"Bye baby mama,"I threw up the peace sign and hung up. I loved our relationship. We were never able to stay mad at each other for long so we quickly went back into our friendship. She was turning 27 tomorrow- she was put in a grade higher because of how smart she was.

I quickly checked my notifications and messages before going back to the lounge. I was stopped in my tracks when I saw Eva and Shaq together. What. The. Fuck?

"Uh hey Eva. Why are you back so early?"I kissed her on the cheek and she shrugged her shoulders with one of her pearly smiles.

"There wasn't much to do at the club and my sister's out of town so I just came home. I didn't know you were coming Shaq,"she turned to him.

"Shaquille,"he mumbled facing the telly.

"Aye what I tell you? Be respectful and say hello,"I told him.

"Ma said I shouldn't say hi to anyone named Eva or Elijah and I scream 'help' when I see them,"he repeated as he turned to look at me.

"Damn that's Beyoncé Knowles-Carter for sure,"TyTy laughed holding his stomach. I mouthed 'no' to him and Eva raised her eyebrows looking at him. Swizz hit him and TyTy immediately stopped. "Oh I'm sorry Eva. I'm just used to calling Bey that because back in high school Jay made a paper ring for her a-you know what? Never mind,"he quickly stopped looking away.

"Shaq, me and you are going to start planning your mom's birthday. Just give me a sec,"I took Eva's hand and guided her upstairs.

"What's the problem Shawn?"

"I think you should lay off trying to get to know Shaq,"I told her sitting down.

"Why?"she spat.

"You heard what Bey said and I kinda understand where she's coming from. You saw him down there, he doesn't want to meet you so let's calm it down. Of course I'll talk to him but he's not keen on having a stepson,"I tried to persuade her and grabbed her hand.

"Y'all don't understand where I'm coming from. When you told me I wanted it to be a joke so bad but it's not. In three months Shaquille will be my stepson and we need to at least have a civil relationship without his mother telling him to scream every time he sees me or Elijah,"I forgot all about his ass. I hadn't spoken to him since last week and I knew he'd already ran off to Eva's family to tell them that I have a son.

"I'll talk to Bey on Friday about it,"I smiled.

"Why not tomorrow?"she took her earrings off and started undressing.

"It's her birthday and me and Shaq are planning it for her,"I let her know. If we were really going to make it work then I guess I had to be honest with her.

Eva stayed silent for a bit looking at the ground.

"So you'll be staying with her for the whole day?"she clarified.

"Eva, it's her birthday and we're still friends. When it comes to your birthday I'll spend the whole day with you and get Shaq involved as much as possible,"I lifted her head and she nodded with a faint smile.

"I've been thinking about the wedding and I think we should get chrysanthemums instead of roses."

"Chris' mom? What happened to her?"I frowned in confusion.

"No not Chris' mom,"she giggled. "Chrysanthemums; they're flowers."

"Whatever you want Eva. Right now my main concern is my son and I've got way too much on. Can we sort this out later?"

"Don't worry, I'll do everything,"she kissed my lips and quickly walked downstairs.

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