Chapter Twenty

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I stared at the gorgeous man in front of me as we waited for our food.

I was so happy to go on a date

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I was so happy to go on a date. In a way, it was mainly to let Jay know that two could play that game and I wouldn't be waiting on him forever. I rarely went out on dates because my life was consumed with work and Shaq, so this was one of those rare moments I had.

I met Curtis in an office where he asked me if I was still manager of Heat because I was rarely there. I told him no and wanted the conversation to end there but he kept pursuing me and I eventually gave in to his charms and looks. I often found myself comparing him to Jay but I knew I had to break out of that habit.

"So what about you Beyoncé? Where do you work now that you've left Heat?"he asked as I sipped my wine.

"I'm working on a business venture. It's going smoothly and I'm trying to do this independently but I know I've got a strong support system staying right by my side every step of the way. It's all to give a better future to myself and my son. He means the world to me,"I smiled thinking about my handsome little man. It was early October so he had two months until his 10th birthday. It was crazy how time flew.

"His name's Shaquille, right?"

"Yes. Have you got any kids?"

"Two daughters. Georgia is 9 and Tiana is 8. I see them every weekend but they live with their mother in Manhattan,"I nodded. I received a notification on my phone and cursed when I saw what it read.

"Fuck,"I whispered. I shot up and looked at Curtis who was just staring in confusion. "I'm sorry, it's just a message."

"Is it an emergency?"

"No,"I crossed my legs. "Um excuse me,"I called the nearest waiter. "Can I have a glass of water please? Thank you."

"Coming right up,"he wrote it down walking away.

"Are you okay Beyoncé?"Curtis asked and I nodded.

"I'm just feeling a bit light headed but I'll be fine,"I lied. When the waiter came back with my water I thanked him as he left.

"So what about your son's father? Is he in his life?"he asked which I thought was quite personal but it would eventually get out that I left after Eva found out about Shaq.

"Very much. He's at his house right now,"I asserted. Shaq loved that Jay was around because he told me it was as if he was there since birth. In the space of just over a month they'd created a strong bond and I loved watching them together.

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