Chapter Seven

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My eyes fluttered open and I stretched out my arms and legs. It was just another day of waking up in Jay's bed after a desirable night.

Everything he said last night felt real but actions speak louder than words and I needed to see him come through. I did want to be with him but I wasn't about to have my ass chase an engaged man around town.

I got out of bed and found one of Jay's oversized shirts to put on. When I came out of his wardrobe he was standing in the doorway leaning against it.

"Well good morning Mr Carter,"I beamed bouncing to him and jumping into his arms.

"Morning baby,"we shared a kiss before I jumped off him. "You sleep alright?"

"Absolutely but it would've been better if I woke up next to you,"I pouted.

"Sorry baby. I've just been up for a while- couldn't sleep,"he looked tired but angry.

"Why not? Is it the engagement?"I rubbed his shoulders.

"Mm. Lemme get breakfast ready,"he rubbed my sides.

"Okay,"I pecked his lips and went in his bathroom to find a spare toothbrush. When I finished freshening up I walked to the kitchen and found Jay making crêpes.

"Mmm bonjour mon chèrie,"I hugged Jay from behind.

"Watch out Bey, it's hot,"he turned and I moved back as he placed the freshly cooked crêpe onto a plate. I sat down at the island and took three crêpes with sugar, Nutella and strawberries. Soon enough Jay joined me sitting opposite me.

"I love a man who can cook. Wanna become my house husband?"I joked and he smacked his lips making me laugh. "I'm only joking. This is great. I see you were paying attention when I taught you how to make crêpes,"I blushed looking down.

"Your parents were out of town and I stayed at yours for like two days?"

"Three,"I bit my lip.

"You made me come downstairs and you taught me how to make them-"

"Then when you tried to make them the kitchen burnt down!"we bursted into laughter. "My parents were mad,"I reminisced.

"You still lied for me though, I can never forget it,"he looked at me. "You got a man Bey? Or even a kid with someone?"he asked out of the blue. I frowned in confusion.

"Where's that come from?"I looked down at my food to cut a crêpe.

"In my mind you probably settled down with someone even though y'all ain't together now,"he shrugged.

"I ain't got nobody apart from my mom, sister and Kelly,"I took a deep breath.

"As long as we're both honest with each other I'm positive we can make it through,"he smiled. I picked up my phone to check my notifications. "Oh yeah, Kelly text you last night. Your phone was buzzing and I didn't want it to wake you,"he put his fork down.

"Really? What did she say?"I asked looking through my messages.

"She just said that she's at the airport with our son,"I shot my head up staring straight at Jay.

"What?"I began to shake.

"You've been here schooling me on lying and shit but you kept my son from me for ten fucking years. You're a fucking hypocrite Beyoncé. Fuck you,"he left the table stomping to his bedroom.

"Jay I'm sorry! I didn't know how to tell you and we never got into contact again!"I cried following him. Just when I thought we could actually get somewhere he found out. I was planning to tell him but not like this.

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