Chapter Thirty

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"So where's dinner?"Bey asked walking into my suite. I thought about it and it wasn't smart for us to be seen a lot in public with all the heat so it was best to just stay indoors.

"I'm having the chefs downstairs cook it and bring it up for us. You want some wine?"I offered.

"I'm fine thank you,"she kicked her heels off and spread across my couch in front of the fireplace.

"So you're just gonna sit here pretty, huh?"I poured myself some wine and instead got her fruit wine because I knew she'd want some. I walked over to her with both glasses in my hand and handed hers as she gratefully took it.

"I missed this couch. It's like you can sink into it and just stay here forever,"she bit her lip smiling and I chuckled.

"So what had you emotional about my interview?"I questioned. This was the longest we'd gone without fighting and she was finally showing me emotion again. I felt like I was getting the old Bey back who didn't hate my every breath.

"The parts about me and Shaq,"she answered looking at me. I admired her beautiful, glistening eyes in the reflection of the warm, golden fire. Without makeup she'd still be the same beautiful queen I grew to fall in love with.

"How come?"

"It just made me realise that I shouldn't be angry at you because there's so much more than Deano and his antics,"she sighed stirring her glass.

"And I want to apologise again from the bottom of my heart. I should've listened to you when you warned me about Deano coming around us because he could've harmed Shaquille. It was the fact that he's family and I didn't know what he was doing in the club but him being my blood made me feel as if I couldn't just turn him away in case he'd try something,"I explained myself. Deano had two years in prison and two extra years of probation but that was as far as I could get the judge to lower the sentence.

"I know you're sorry. I believe you and I saw that through the interview,"she nodded. I leaned in closer to her and she cupped my face.

"So why didn't you believe me when I told you before?"I frowned licking my lips.

"I was just angry and I didn't want to listen. Shaq literally watched you be put in handcuffs and it made me angry that what I tried to protect him from happened because you weren't careful with Deano. I understand that's your family but I know that you felt bad about it. You're a great father Jay and I guess you just needed to withdraw yourself from the streets like you said,"she agreed with me when I said that I didn't have the right things physically and emotionally to be a father.

From the corner of my eye the ring dazzled and I turned my attention to the diamond on her hand. I picked up her hand and regarded the beauty as I saw it on her for the first time.

"This is the first time I'm seeing you wear the ring,"I rubbed her hand. "I never told you how I got the ring,"I sipped my wine.

"How did you even afford it? It's 4 carats and we were barely earning back in high school,"she rested her hand down on my lap.

"I saved all my money for three years to even afford half the price. My uncle's girl's brother owned the store and from the moment I saw the ring in the window I knew that it was for you. I told my uncle and he managed to get the price reduced for me so I could afford it by the end of high school. I was going to propose to you after a few years in Miami but then I went to jail,"I told her the story.

"I never knew this was an engagement ring. I thought it was a promise ring,"she stretched her hand out.

"That's why I gave it to you before I got put in handcuffs because I wanted you to have it. I meant everything I said in the interview Bey,"I stared deep into her hazel eyes.

"You have a whole fiancée at home, Jay and I know that's the 'special woman' in your life. We'll always have love for each other but y'all are getting married and that means something,"she looked away blinking hard.

"I don't love her Bey. I love you and I meant every word I said. You know you've had my heart for years and no matter what I know you're in my future much more than just my child's mother. I just need to find a way to break it down to Eva. She's been there since I came out of prison and she's been through a lot so I don't want to just unload it on her and tip her over the edge,"I shook my head.

"Hold on. I'll be back,"Bey placed her glass on the table and got up from the couch walking out. I sipped from my large-rimmed glass and grabbed my phone to check my messages. I had a few from my boys, one from my mom and another from Eva. I checked the one from Ma first because she had Shaq and it could've been anything.

Ma👑:Shawn. Whatever you do make sure you follow what you believe and not what you feel is the safest bet. I'm not saying be with Bey and I'm not saying be with Eva. If both were drowning, which one would you save first?

That hit home and I instantly knew that it would be Beyoncé. We had our ups and downs and Eva had been a part of my life, holding me down for the past few years but I knew that I would always find myself with Bey.

I didn't bother checking my other messages because Ma's had me strung. I kicked my shoes off and as I threw my phone to the side Bey came back in wearing a cute black pyjama set she left behind here one time.

"I got the cutest baby mama,"I bit my lip and she giggled sitting next to me and grabbing the cover so we could snuggle up in front of the fire.

"You know I've always loved you Jay but you know we can never work unless we are both committed. It's like every time we both try something always come in between us and that's why I'm so scared to do this. There's too many involved,"she shared. "And we failed by letting all of this before Shaquille and that's why he was so confused. We can't let that happen again."

"So let's put all commitments to each other aside until we cut off the commitments we have to other people. The only person that we should remember and put first is Shaquille,"I suggested.

"I'm okay with that,"she rested her head on my chest.

Author's Notes:

I published a few chapters because I know I've gone AWOL for a while and I've been slacking😪

Exams are nearly over so I'll be back on my A-Game soon.

In other news...Notorious B.I.G. got a whole street named after him🥳My fav rappers are Jay Z n Biggie n seeing the pics of the reveal got me emotional lmao😂 but #BIGFOREVER❤️

Keep supporting me..I see all the comments n votes n they all keep motivating me even tho I be ghosting.

Cheers to Love, Life and Blessings🍾


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