Chapter Seventeen

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"That was nice of you Shawn, but I want a car too for my birthday,"Eva joked with me. It was a bright Saturday morning and Eva, Elijah and I were at the club in my office looking over the readings and data from August. Bey didn't show up and I did tell her but I guess she was serious about leaving. Elijah was giving attitude and throwing shade here and there but I'm not going to lose my temper. In fact, ever since Bey's birthday present in the morning AND night, I've been happier and calmer.

I wasn't all the way forgiving Eva just yet. She mentioned my child and I was protecting him with all I had so I wasn't accepting that but she proved to me that she was sincerely apologetic over what she said and she wanted to apologise to Beyoncé but Bey being Bey...that wasn't happening.

"Don't worry, you'll get something of your own,"I kissed her cheek.

"Maybe her man back,"Elijah coughed.

"Problem, Elijah? Because you could always take it out of this club..along with the rest of your office,"I folded my arms swivelling in my chair.

"Baby no,"Eva put her hand on my arm. "And Eli, come on. We've moved on from it and so should you. I'm still mad at you for telling the family about what happened,"she gave him the side eye.

"You need us to back you."

"You need to leave us alone,"she defended me. Guilt washed over me; here she was defending me to her family but I was doing what she was saying I wasn't.

Just at that point Bey walked into the office looking as delicious as ever.

"Hey baby daddy,"she approached me.

"Wassup baby mama,"we did our handshake as Eva and Elijah watched on. Elijah cleared his throat.

"You got something stuck in there? Is there a problem Elijah?"Bey put her hand on her hip.

"No Beyoncé,"he fake smiled and she rolled her eyes.

"Hey Beyoncé. Do you need me to catch you up on August's takings?"Eva tried.

"No,"Bey gave her a stank look.

"Bey,"I whispered raising my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry about what I said on Monday. I didn't mean that about Shaquille. He's a lovely boy a-"

"When were you around him?"Bey's eyes nearly popped out.

"Oh-"Eva looked at me worriedly.

"What's it any of your concern? She'll be his stepmom soon anyway,"Elijah interrupted.

"Get out Elijah,"I rubbed my hands together. "Now."

Elijah huffed and stood up. "I'll see you later Eva,"he hugged her. "Beyoncé,"he said walking past her.

"Pussy boy,"she blew him a kiss and he shook his head leaving. "Back to my question,"she folded her arms.

"It was only for a minute, literally. I did want to speak to him but he said you told him to scream every time I come around him."

"Well did he scream?"

"No,"Eva frowned.

"Damn,"Bey muttered.

"Eva, could you give us a minute please?"she nodded before planting a dry kiss on my lips to make Bey jealous.

"Baby girl that ain't nothing. That kiss was drier than your mama's weave,"Bey laughed setting her bag on my desk.

"Don't talk about my mama,"Eva frowned.

"And don't talk about my son,"Bey shrugged.

"I apologised-"

"Apology not accepted. I don't care what Jay said to you, that's my child and you called him a brat. Now I happily beat your ass then and I can happily wipe the floor with you again but I just did my nails. And those comments made about me? Let me catch you lacking baby,"Bey laughed.

"Beyoncé. Calm. Down,"I said slowly.

"I'll see you later Shawn,"she walked out and Bey giggled shaking her head.

"She really thinks I'm going to move on like it's nothing? She does not know Beyoncé Knowles at all,"she clicked her fingers.

"She's trying Bey,"I stuck up for her.

"'She's trying Bey',"she mocked my voice. "Well she better try and not taste my juices on them lips of yours when she kisses you,"she winked and I chuckled.

"Still hung up on your birthday treats?"

"Definitely. That was honestly the best birthday I've ever had. I got a car, had sex in the car, had sex before that and had a cosy night in with my two favourite boys,"she pretended to faint and we laughed.

"We need to talk about Shaq's birthday plans. He wants a party,"I mentioned.

"I know. We'll start telling people in a few weeks. The party's going to be at the hotel too,"she checked her nails.

"Says who?"I smirked.

"Says the queen. Why would we spend money on renting a hall when we have the hotel?"


"Yes Jigga. What's yours is mine. We made that deal when you put that paper ring on my finger,"we laughed at my goofiness back in high school. I was crazy about Bey and I still am. The only problem is she came at the wrong time and now I can't seem to get a grip on anything. "I need help with something,"she brought up.

"What is it, baby mama?"

"You know I'm leaving the club so I'm starting my own business. I'm thinking of starting my own skin care label. I'm talking perfumes, lotions, body washes, the whole lot. I did dermatology in college. Did I tell you?"I shook my head but I was impressed by her business venture. She was always coming up with ideas and that was why we passed all our projects.

"Tell me more, baby,"I watched her blush when I called her that and she crossed her legs.

"I know you know some buildings around New York that I can use for my shop. All I need is for you to show me them and I'll decide,"she nodded.

"But is that all? Because I know some people, plenty have come in and out of the club. I can hook you up with my contacts if you want,"I offered bringing out my phone. It took me years to get this club up and running and because I didn't have any contacts or know anybody in the business it was even harder.

"I know you mean well Jay and I'm grateful but I want to do this on my own. I don't want to use your contacts and years down the line I'm told that the only reason my business starting booming was because I had you,"I nodded out of understanding.

"I feel you. We can start looking but you know we're going to have to get through some paperwork to get you off the club,"she nodded.

"I know but let's do that first so I can be a free woman,"she stretched her arms and I laughed.

"I'm proud of you Bey. I'm a proud baby daddy,"I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Thank you baby daddy."

Author's Notes:

Three chapters for the people🙌🏾

1)how do you feel about Jay and Beyoncé?
2)do you think Jay and Eva will last?
3)Beyoncé's birthday present...🤔
4)how do you think Bey's new business venture will go?

Sorry for not updating in a while. Exams🙄😭

Don't forget to share!

Cheers to Love,Life and Blessings💗


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